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Kenton County School District
![Kenton County School District Logo](/sites/default/files/Full Logo - 300 dpi.jpg)
Basic Information
Address: 1055 Eaton Drive, Fort Wright, KY 41017
Phone Number: 859-344-8888
Fax Number: 859-344-1531
Superintendent: Tim Hanner
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Member Schools: 18 schools, 3 high schools, 4 middle schools, 11 elementary schools
Board of Directors: Board of Education Chairperson Karen Collins, Vice Chairperson Carl Wicklund, members Becky Melching, Mike Martin, and Tamara Miano, Esq.
Mission Statement:
Through equity and excellence, we will educate all students to successfully demonstrate the knowledge and skills essential for lifelong learning, social well-being, and active responsible citizenship, ensuring our graduates will be prepared to successfully compete in the global work market.
Accreditation and Recognition: "District Accredited" by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
District Characteristics: The Kenton County School District is known as an innovative and progressive school district intensely focused on graduating students prepared to compete in the global work market.
School Municipalities: The Kenton County School District 18 schools are located in the municipalites of Fort Wright, Edgewood, Independence, Morningview, Villa Hills, Ryland Heights, Taylor Mill, Crestview Hills, KY.
The history of The Kenton County School District, A System of Excellence, is always striving for excellence.
Notable Alumni:
Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson
Professional former Cincinnati Bengal Doug Pelfrey
Other Facilities: The district is comprise of 18 school buildings and two programs located in the James D. Patton Area Technology Center and the National Guard building.
Athletics: Athletic opportunties include band, baseball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, cross country, dance teams, diving, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling.
Consolidation: Not applicable
The Kenton County School District offers challenging and rigorous curriculum designed to equip students with skills needed to lead a productive and enriching life in an ever-changing world.
Belief Statements:
We believe each student is important; Every student can be a successful leader; Effort creates ability; Self-esteem and personal dignity come from within an individual; Students have a right to a quality education with rigorous learning opportunities that are relevant to their interests within a culture that is built on relationships between students and adults in school; Recognition and acceptance of culture, social, physical, and economic differences creates a healthy learning community; Learning is a lifelong process; Students, educators, staff, families, business and the community share in the responsibility for creating an environment in which students can learn and succeed at high levels; Proficiency for all students is within our reach. We believe in excellence for all students.
Organization Goals: The district has three goals. Goal 1 states All students will perform at or above grade level in numeracy and literacy at each transition point. Goal 2 states All 'professional practices' will be based on a common understanding of quality instruction and best practice for every student in every classroom, every day. Goal 3 states Beginning in the fourth grade, all students will participate in at least one activity providing a meaningful connection to school beyond the regular classroom.
Scholastic Perfomance: Excellent
Future Development Plans: The district continually updates and renovates facilities as needed.
Academics: K-12
Assets and Achievements: District SACS Accreditation, 2010 Kentucky Superintendent of the Year; 2010 Outstanding Kentucky School Nutrition Association Director of the year; 2010 Kentucky School Counselor Association Counselor of the Year, 17-Year "What Parents Want" designation; National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project District of the Year.
The district plans Education Celebration in January to turn the spotlight on the achievements of our students, staff and teachers.
Failing Schools: Not applicable
Summer Schools: Summer programs are available on an individual school basis as needed.
Teacher Workshops: Professional development is offered through the year.
Vision Statement: The district is intensely focused on preparing students to compete in the global work market.
Delay/Closing Information: www.kenton.kyschools.us
A.P. Classes: AP classes are offerd at the three high schools.
Transportation: Transportation drives approximately11,000 students daily to and from school.
Libraries: State-of-the-art libraries are in every school.
After School/Extracurricular Programs: Over 40 extracurrilcular programs are available to students.
Media (TV/Radio) Shows: Insight Channel 20 and 15.
Computer Capabilities:
Technology is weaved through the curriculum. Classrooms have 100 percent web access, including email, various software programs and hardware devices through computer labs, wireless carts and classroom workstations. The student per computer ratio is 4:1.
Awards and Recognition: District SACS Accreditation, 2010 Kentucky Superintendent of the Year; 2010 Outstanding Kentucky School Nutrition Association Director of the year; 2010 Kentucky School Counselor Association Counselor of the Year, 17-Year "What Parents Want" designation; National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project District of the Year.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Through equity and excellence, we will educate all students to successfully demonstrate the knowledge and skills essential for lifelong learning, social well-being, and active responsible citizenship, ensuring our graduates will be prepared to successfully compete in the global work market. We believe each student is important; Every student can be a successful leader; Effort creates ability; Self-esteem and personal dignity come from within an individual; Students have a right to a quality education with rigorous learning opportunities that are relevant to their interests within a culture that is built on relationships between students and adults in school; Recognition and acceptance of culture, social, physical, and economic differences creates a healthy learning community; Learning is a lifelong process; Students, educators, staff, families, business and the community share in the responsibility for creating an environment in which students can learn and succeed at high levels; Proficiency for all students is within our reach. We believe in excellence for all students.
Support Services:
Student support services include academic support and support services departments.
Juvenile/At-Risk Student Programs: At-Risk programs include Reducing Barriers to Learning committes, Family Resource Centers, Extended School Services, Reading Intervention, Academic Coaches, and data analysis of students performance.