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Liverpool Central School District

Basic Information
Address: 195 Blackberry Road
Liverpool, NY 13090
Phone Number: 315-622-7900
Fax Number: 315-622-7115
Email: MPiper@liverpool.k12.ny.us
Superintendent: Dr. Richard N. Johns
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Member Schools: Chestnut Hill Elementary, Donlin Drive Elementary, Elmcrest Elementary, Liverpool Elementary, Long Branch Elementary, Morgan Road Elementary, Nate Perry Elementary, Soule Road Elementary, Willow Field Elementary, Chestnut Hill Middle, Liverpool Middle, Soule Road Middle, Liverpool High School Annex, Liverpool High School
Board of Directors: Donald Cook, President; Patricia DeBona-Rosier, Vice President; Stacey O'Neill Balduf; James E. Kane; John J. Kennedy; Richard Pento; F. Joseph Unangst; David Watson; John Woloszyn
Mission Statement:
The Liverpool Central School District will be a leader in public education by providing the best opportunities for students to achieve academic and personal excellence.
District Characteristics: Our community is located just northwest of the city of Syracuse.The Liverpool Central School District serves the village of Liverpool and portions of the towns of Clay and Salina. Our District includes 9 elementary schools, three middle schools, a ninth grade school and one high school. There are approximately 7,600 students in the district.