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Sioux City Community School District
Basic Information
Address: 627 4th Street
Sioux City, Iowa 51101
Phone Number: 712-279-6667
Fax Number: 712-279-6081
Email: bensona@siouxcityschools.org
Superintendent: Dr. Paul R. Gausman
Additional Information
Board of Directors: Doug Batcheller, Greg Grupp, Walt Johnson, John Meyers, Nancy Mounts, Molly Williams, and Jackie Warnstadt
Mission Statement:
The Sioux City Community School District exists to educate students to believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence, and succeed in reaching their potential.
District Characteristics: The Sioux City Community School District is proud to represent a richly diverse and warmly accepting group of students and staff. We offer a strong academic program of studies that focus on improving student learning and achievement. Over 50 percent of our teachers have advanced degrees and we offer progressive technology in every classroom.
School Municipalities: The Sioux City Community School District has 18 elementary schools, three middle schools, and three high schools. In addition to the K-12 offerings, the District has preschool and transitional kindergarten.
The first school was built in 1869.
Athletics: At the high school level the following sports are offered: baseball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, cross country, dance, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling.
At the middle school level the following sports are offered: cross country, basketball, football, soccer, track, and wrestling.
Rigorous curriculum in core subjects support the mission of the district. We provide our students with a multi-faceted curriculum, which includes high standards, core class, fine arts, foreign languages, health and wellness, business, consumer sciences, and career technical classes, curriculum. Our caring professionals offer learners a foundation for academic success, college readiness, and career growth.
Belief Statements:
Preparing Students for Success
Our purpose is to effectively utilize community resources to provide students the maximum opportunity for life success. We are committed to the development of each student’s individual skill sets to enhance knowledge, optimize potential, and build character through personal accountability.
Standards, Expectations and Achievement
Our goal is to challenge our students, empower our staff and visibly communicate our progress. Our achievements are the result of high standards, clear expectations and timely benchmarks.
Leading in a Changing World
Our vision is to develop citizens who are prepared to succeed in a changing world. We must learn from our history and positively embrace the challenges of the future.
Embracing our Diversity
Our commitment is to celebrate our diversity and utilize our cultural, social, and community resources, while embracing changes to enhance student learning.
Parent Involvement and Community Confidence
Our responsibility is held within our stakeholders: our students; parents/guardians; educators and community as a whole. We must encourage participation, empower our educators and openly celebrate our teaching opportunities and successes.
57.86% European American; 26.43% Hispanic, 4.09% African American;3.76% Asian American; 3.65% Native American; 2+ Races 3.09%; and Pacific Islander 0.31%
Organization Goals: The Sioux City Community School District has a strategic plan that focuses on student achievement, human resources, financial accountability, communications, and educational facilities.
Academics: In addition to core subjects, the Sioux City Community School District offers a wide variety of electives. We also offer AP courses and concurrent courses through area colleges and universities.
A.P. Classes: English Literature and Composition, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology, U.S. Government & Polictics. In addition, the following honor courses are available: English I & II, Calculus I, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics II.
After School/Extracurricular Programs: We partner with many community agencies to provide before and after school care for students. Elementary students may particpate in book club, math club, band and orchestra. At the middle schools, students may participate in band, book club, marketing club, math club, orchestra and yearbook. At the high school level students may participate in band, best buddies, choir, color guard, debate, drama, freshman mentor program, I-JAG, mentors in violence prevention, multicultural club, National Honor Society, orchestra, quiz bowl, reconnecting youth, speech, strength and conditioning, student council, tutor volunteers, and yearbook.
Computer Capabilities:
The District has a progressive technology program. Every sophomore, junior, and senior student has a netbook computer with 3G interent capacity. In addition classrooms have interactive whiteboards, projectors, document cameras, full alpha numeric response units, audio enhancement, as well as classroom PC’s and group lab spaces.
Awards and Recognition: In the last 10 years, the Sioux City Community School District has two Iowa Teacher of the Year recepients, as well as eight finalists.
Notes/School Information:
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Follow us on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/SiouxCityCommSchools