Utah's Hogle Zoo

Utah's Hogle Zoo Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Phone Number: 801-582-1631

Action Shots

Utah's Hogle Zoo
Utah's Hogle Zoo
Utah's Hogle Zoo

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Days and Hours: Open every day except Christmas and New Year's Day

Hogle Zoo has something for everyone. With over 900 animals to visit, you will experience the splendor of the animal kingdom in just a few hours. Open year-round, the Zoo has something for everyone. See red panda, peccaries, giraffes, gorillas, orangutans, black bears, reptiles, and more.

Adults: $8.00; Seniors (65 and older): $6.00

Utah State accredited schools Grades: K-12, a Headstart or Early Head Start Program, Even Start Grant Recipient and Title I - Preschools are admitted free with a reservation. All other school groups receive discounted admission. So you want to be a Zookeeper? One program for up to 30 students is $50, and up to 30 more students may be added for an additional $30. A second presentation for up to 30 students is $40. Multiple programs must be scheduled on the same day to receive this pricing.

Self-guided programs are available for school groups. So you want to be a Zookeeper? - A 45 minute careers program for grades 7-12

Grade Levels:
Exhibits: Visit Elephant Encounter, our interpretation of an African plain featuring African elephants and white rhinoceros. Be sure to visit the Convergys African lodge to learn more about these pachyderm
Additional Information:

We will be adding additional school programming for the 2006-2007 school year.