SID & Wari Trading LLC

Basic Information

Address: 215 Central Ave #4dSt. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone Number: 9415927899
Person of Contact: Wari Benslimane

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Given the wide range of products offered by PrimeLedLight, I can provide a general overview of what you might expect from these LED lighting solutions:
• High-quality illumination: PrimeLedLight offers products that provide excellent color rendering and brightness, ensuring a comfortable and visually appealing environment.
• Energy efficiency: LED technology used in these products consumes less energy compared to traditional lighting solutions, leading to significant savings on your electricity bill.
• Durability: PrimeLedLight's products are built to last, with long lifespans and robust construction, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.
• Versatile designs: Their products cater to various indoor and outdoor lighting needs, with options for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
• Safety certifications: Many of their products comply with industry safety standards, ensuring reliability and peace of mind.
• Adjustable settings: Some products feature adjustable power and color temperature options, allowing you to customize the lighting according to your preferences.
For specific product details, pricing, and availability, please visit the PrimeLedLight website or contact their customer service team.