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Vocal Coach Vanessa

Basic Information
Address: 11132 Dell Ave.
Forestville, CA 95436
Phone Number: 615-678-2073
Email: vocalcoachvanessa@gmail.com
Person of Contact: Vanessa Schillng
Additional Information
Vanessa studied Vocal Performance at Berklee College of Music, but after years of being confused about her voice, she had come to the conclusion that something must be wrong with her. Despite years of training, traditional singing methods had not worked... but after discovering Sophie Shear's method, she became obsessed with showing other singers how to get off the hamster wheel and find vocal freedom. Now, she lives to bring clarity to confusion.
Her passion is helping singers smooth out vocal breaks, sing with power more comfortably, and increase their confidence. Her clients rave about her "aha" moments that help them sound better instantly and overcome years of frustration.
*Vanessa is also certified in vocal therapy and vocal injury prevention for singers dealing with vocal damage.
Vanessa is certified in Sophie Shear's "The Total Voice" method and worked closely with Sophie for 9 years on music row in Nashville, TN. She has merged all of her diverse training into a practical and effective coaching style, with amazing results in:
Mixed voice/Full voice
Range extension
Decreased tension
Ironing out breaks
Increased power
Pitch control
Tone quality
Vocal therapy
Style application
Coaching genres: Pop, Rock, Country, Soul, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Worship
Tags: voice lessons, vocals, vocal coach, singer, sing, Music