LearningRx Irvine

LearningRx Irvine Logo

Basic Information

Company Slogan: Rediscover the Learner Beneath the Labels
Director: Leanne DiSanto
Address: 3152 Red Hill Ave Suite 130 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Services For:

State(s) services are provided

Phone Number: 657-212-5686
Office Hours: 10am-6pm Monday-Friday

IBCCES Board Certified Cognitive Center
IBCCES Board Certified Cognitive Specialist

Action Shots

LearningRx Irvine
LearningRx Irvine
LearningRx Irvine
LearningRx Irvine

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Membership in Organizations:


Client Age Group: Age 6 and above

All trainers have a bachelors degree and complete a rigorous 40 hour in-house training certification

Professional Work Setting:

Clients are trained one-on-one with a brain trainer. We do in-center and remote training

Services Provided:

Cognitive brain training and getting to the root cause of any learning struggle.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Transforming lives worldwide to learn and perform better, faster, and easier.


"LearningRx has been monumental for our son's success! They were the only ones to identify his needs. Their program not only helped him improve his reading and math, but now he has less anxiety and more confidence. We can't thank you enough!"
Emily, Parent of Graduate

"I saw so much growth in confidence and her dedication and interest in learning. We are so proud of her hard work, and don't think we could have picked a better program!"
Danielle, Parent of Graduate

"Our son can focus more, and his writing in school has greatrly improved from when he started. Now he writes stories with complex ideas and it blows me away!"
Kimberley, Parent of Graduate

"My child is happy to sit and read a book and can work through the words more fluently than he did before LearningRX. He is now above grade level. He is willing to try new things and tends to be less frustrated when he gets stuck (improved resiliency) and is willing to work it out to solve the problem.
CN, Parent of Graduate