Learn Italian in Italy

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Learn Italian in Italy
Learn Italian in Italy
Learn Italian in Italy
Learn Italian in Italy

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Additional Information

Subject/Position: Teacher of Italian
School: /
School Type: Homestay
Program Dates: All year round
Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching: Italian, English, Spanish
Cost: 1700 euros per week all included
Program Highlights:

I can host one student or a couple.
Sightseeing with all its costs is included in the given price.

Curriculum Highlights:

Tourist Operator Licence
iploma for Translaters and Interpreters c/o Istituto Superiore per Traduttori e Interpreti Silvio Pellico of Milan. Languages: English and Spanish.

Program Information:

Doing homestay and teaching Italian is my only job, therefore the student would have the whole day to learn Italian, not only doing exercises but also talking while sightseeing.
I can tailor the lessons to suit the student's needs. I teach the language sitting at a table doing exercises, going sightseeing, reading a newspaper or watching and discussing a film, all this according to the student's preferences and level.
The student would be welcome to get involved in the family’s activities in order to have a full and pleasant immersion in the language and life style. I always try to meet my guests' interests: from museums to wonderful natural spots, from the lakes to the mountains, from wineries to outlets and meeting friends, all year round.