The UDI Online Project team at the University of Connecticut developed examples of ways the Principles of UDI© can be applied to the design of instructional material for online and/or blended courses:
As the result of interviews and surveys with both faculty and students, and an extensive literature review, the UDI Online project team identified several factors that can enhance access to course content for diverse learners. These include explicit expectations, topics that are included in a logical sequence, assignment directions that are straightforward, assessments that are directly linked to course objectives, opportunities for communication and networking, delivering information in multiple formats, that is displayed clearly, and easily navigated. In turn, these factors lead to the development of three “Access Domains”: Cognitive Access, Communication Access, and Physical Access. The definition for each domain, as well as the corresponding UDI Principles is as follows:
Cognitive Access refers to approaches and elements that assist diverse learners to acquire, comprehend, recall, apply, evaluate integrate, and express information within a digital learning environment.
The following Principles of UDI© were deemed to most directly align with the Cognitive Access Domain. These Principles support diverse learners in acquiring, comprehending, recalling, applying, evaluating, integrating, and expressing course content in online and technology-blended courses.
1. Equitable Use
2. Flexibility in Use
3. Simple and Intuitive
4. Perceptible Information
5. Tolerance for Error
Physical Access within UDI Online refers to approaches and elements that support the ease of navigation of course web sites, clarity in the display of course content, and the creation and presentation of course information in multiple formats to provide opportunities for diverse learners to acquire and manipulate course content within a digital learning environment. The following Principles of UDI© were deemed to most directly align with the Physical Access Domain. These Principles support diverse learners in acquiring and manipulating course content in online and technology-blended courses.
6. Low Physical Effort
7. Size and Space for Approach and Use
Communication Access within the UDI Online project refers to approaches and elements that provide multiple opportunities for interaction and dialogue to engage diverse learners within a digital learning environment. The following Principles of UDI© were deemed to most directly align with the Communication Access Domain. These Principles support diverse learners with interacting and engaging peers and faculty in online and technology blended courses.
8. A Community of Learners
9. Instructional Climate
The UDI Online project web site, presents recommendations from faculty and students regarding online and blended learning environments, and additional examples of applying the access domains in digital learning environments.