Statistics of Sexual Harassment in Education

Sexual Harassment Support reports:
    "Sexual harassment is common at every stage of education. Verbal and physical harassment begins in elementary school, and 4 out of 5 children experience some form of sexual harassment or bullying. Eight out of 10 will experience this at some point in their school lives, and roughly 25 percent will experience this often. Boys are more likely to physically harass and bully others, or to be physically bullied themselves. Girls are more likely to use, and experience, verbal and psychological harassment and bullying. Six out of 10 students will experience some form of physical sexual harassment."

In their 2002 survey on 2064 students in 8th through 11th grade, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) reported:
    83% of girls have been sexually harassed
    78% of boys have been sexually harassed
    38% of the students were harassed by teachers or school employees
    36% of school employees or teachers were harassed by students
    42% of school employees or teachers had been harassed by each other

In their recent study (AAUW 2006) on sexual harassment at colleges and universities, the AAUW claimed that while both men and women were targets of sexual harassment, "women are disproportionately negatively affected."

    62% of female college students and 61% of male college students report having been sexually harassed at their university.
    66% of college students know someone personally who was harassed.
    10% or fewer of student sexual harassment victims attempt to report their experiences to a university employee.
    35% or more of college students who experience sexual harassment do not tell anyone about their experiences.
    80% of students who experienced sexual harassment report being harassed by another student or former student.
    39% of students who experienced sexual harassment say the incident or incidents occurred in the dorm.
    51% of male college students admit to sexually harassing someone in college, with 22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally.
    31% of female college students admit to harassing someone in college.

In the "Report Card on Gender Equity," the NCWGE that 30 percent of undergraduate students, and 40 percent of graduate students, have been sexually harassed.