Maintaining Registration

To maintain national registration, ASQA-regulated RTOs must continue to comply with the VET Quality Framework as well as any further conditions that may have been imposed by ASQA.

To ensure compliance with these obligations, ASQA conducts two types of audits:
Registration audits, conducted on receipt of an application for initial registration as an RTO, or in some cases on renewal of registration or when applying to change scope of registration.
Compliance audits, conducted within two years of initial registration or if it has been determined that there is a risk that the RTO will fail to comply with relevant standards.

To maintain registration, TAC- and VRQA-regulated RTOs must continue to comply with relevant standards. Quality audits are conducted:
When initiated by clients: at initial registration, renewal of registration and when amending scope.
When initiated by TAC or VRQA: within 12 months of initial registration, in response to complaints, to monitor compliance and when strategic industry audits are required.