The education system in Djibouti was originally developed to meet a limited demand for education; it was essentially designed for elites and borrowed heavily from the French system (administrative structure and pedagogical methods). This system was not adapted to the country's realities. Although the government effort resulted in an increase in enrollment during the 1990s, the education system is still below people's expectations and the needs of a developing nation.
A restructured education system by New Education Law consists of nine years (five years of primary education followed by four years of middle education). This nine year education is now compulsory. In order to enter into the secondary educational system of three years, a Certificate of Fundamental Education is required. The New Education Law has also introduced vocational education in secondary level and has established university facilities in Djibouti. There are 81 public primary schools, 24 registered private primary schools, 12 secondary schools and two vocational schools in Djibouti.