Education Statistics in Slovakia

Schools and students (school year 2004/2005)
Unless stated otherwise, the numbers give daily studies (i.e. non-external studies). The first number gives the number of schools, the number in brackets the number of students.

A) Kindergartens and primary education (excl. special schools)
Kindergartens (materské školy) : 3000 (147317) state, 16 (598) private, 30 (1317) church
Primary schools (základné školy): 2217 (530 770) state, 16 (1159) private, 109 (25392) church
Primary art schools (základné umelecké školy): 180 (92146), 34 (7934) private, 7 (2239) church

B) Secondary education (excl. special schools)
Note: Strictly speaking, this section also includes professional schools and vocational schools that are post-secondary education."
Gymnasia/grammar schools/high schools (gymnáziá): 161 (84984) state, 22 (3362) private, 51 (14392) church, - (1634) external st. at these schools; out of which:
8-years gymnasium: - (32902) state, - (7531) private , - (1731) church,
4-years gymnasium: - (48285) state, - (6693) private, - (1594) church , - (1634) external
5-years gymnasium (usually bilingual):- (424) state, - (168) private, - (37) church
6-years gymnasium: - (373) state
Secondary professional schools + professional schools (stredné odborné školy + odborné školy):
"public": 191 (74258) state, 35 (3974) private, 6 (1223) church, - (1178) external st. at these schools, 4 (2778) external schools; comprise:
in terms of school type: 81 industrial, 98 economic, 20 agricultural, 3 forestry, 1 librarian, 11 pedagogical, 10 conservatories, and 12 girls' professional schools; out of which:
in terms of the type of studies:
8-years schools: rare, conservatories only
"superstructure" studies (nadstavbové štúdium): rare, 1-3 years, agricultural and pedagogical
4-years school with a maturita: the rule
5-years school with a maturita: rare
"higher" studies (vyššie štúdium): 3 years /conservatories 6 years
"post-maturita" studies (pomaturitné štúdium): 1-3 years
1-3-years school without a maturita: rare, one pedagogical school only
professional schools of the Ministry of Health: 22 (6637) state, 8 (1441) church, - (2693) external st. at these schools
professional schools of other ministries: 3 (1014) state, 1 (715) external school
"Grouped" secondary schools (združené stredné školy): 105 (62772) state, 3 (1310) private, 1 (656) church, - (1248) external st. at these schools; comprise:
"superstructure" studies (nadstavbové štúdium): 2 years
4-years school with a maturita
5-years school with a maturita
"higher" studies (vyššie štúdium): 3 years
"post-maturita" studies (pomaturitné štúdium): 1-3 years
1-3-years school without a maturita
specially adapted curricula (zvlášť upravené učebné plány, ZUUP): 1-3 years
gradual preparation (stupňovitá príprava): 1-3 years
Secondary vocational schools + vocational schools (stredné odborné učilištia + učilištia):202 (63886), 26 (8433), 5 (1206), - (3848) external st. at these schools; comprise:
"superstructure" studies (nadstavbové štúdium): 2 years
4-years school with a maturita
5-years school with a maturita
2-3-years school without a maturita
specially adapted curricula (zvlášť upravené učebné plány, ZUUP): 56-98 decades
gradual preparation (stupňovitá príprava): 1-3 years

C) Special schools (špeciálne školy)
(incl. special kindergartens, primary schools, gymnasia etc.): 418 (32210) state, 5 (82) church, 12 (490) private

D) Schools of higher/tertiary education (vysoké školy)
"public" and "private" schools of tertiary education: 20 (106194) state, 4 (828) private, - (53018) external st. at these schools
"state" schools of tertiary education: 3 (1280) schools of the ministries (Health, Police, Defence), - (1755) external st. at these schools

Other statistics
Graduates (tertiary education: calendar year 2004, otherwise: school year 2003/2004):
secondary education: 75988 non-external st., 3390 external st.
tertiary education: 19742 non-external st., 10166 external st.

Teachers 2004/2005:
kindergartens, primary and secondary education: 81403 internal, 6873 external
tertiary education: 10604 internal, 1965 external

Average monthly teachers' pay in 2004:
primary and secondary education: ca. 14750 SKK (ca. 380 EUR) the number roughly equaled the general average pay in the Slovak economy at that time
tertiary education (excl. private schools): ca. 23500 SKK (ca. 600 EUR)

Number of schools:
primary (excl. special):

secondary (excl. special):

until 1991:13

Number of graduates from tertiary schools (including postgradual "doctor" degree):

Language of all schools as of 2004 (incl. kindergartens):
Slovak: 5840 (including 19 "bilingual"e.g. Slovak-English/Spanish/German etc.gymnasia)
Hungarian:585 + 1 university
Slovak and Hungarian:194
Ukrainian: 34
Slovak and Ukrainian: