ALL: Apprenticeship Language Learning
CALL: computer-assisted language learning
CLIL: content and language integrated learning
CELI: Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana
CLL: community language learning
DELE: Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera
DELF: diplôme d'études en langue française
EFL: English as a foreign language
ELL: English language learning
ELT: English language teaching
FLL: foreign language learning
FLT: foreign language teaching
L1: first language, native language, mother tongue
L2: second language (or any additional language)
LDL: Lernen durch Lehren (German for learning by teaching)
LOTE: Languages Other Than English
SLA: second language acquisition
TELL: technology-enhanced language learning
TEFL: teaching English as a foreign language N.B. This article is about travel-teaching.
TEFLA: teaching English as a foreign language to adults
TESOL: teaching English to speakers of other languages
TPR: Total Physical Response
TPRS: Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling
UNIcert is a European language education system of many universities based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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