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Home | Lesson Plans | Cuneiform |
Author: Ryan Baxter
Lesson Plan:
1) Title of Lesson and Audience: The Cuneiform Writing System - (30 person sixth grade class) 2) Common Core Standard that is addressed: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. 3) A description of the lesson including group size and strategies used: I have to start off by saying that I found this amazing lesson called The Cuneiform Writing System. The link is http://edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plan/cuneiform-writing-system-ancient-m... If I had time in my class, I think I would try and teach this entire lesson. It brings in maps, timelines, technology and so forth. I am just amazed at how it touches upon almost everything I try to incorporate in my best social studies lessons. If I had to shorten this down to a one day lesson, I would introduce/review Mesopotamia with the students. I would probably show the kids the geography website and talk about the different maps briefly while relating to our studies of maps. I would do this on a Smartboard. This is found at http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/geography/explore/exp_set.html I would then have the kids go to http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/writing/story/sto_set.html This takes the kids to an interactive site that uses barley to talk about Cuneiform. Ii might put the students into pairs but they would need to work on their own to explore this powerpoint/webquest activity. I would have some sort of worksheet or discussion questions that would accompany the activity. I would use a class set of Chromebooks to do this. 4) Technology used: The websites I listed. Chromebooks, Smartboard 5) Materials: Really just the technology I would use.