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Home | Lesson Plans | Share the Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
Share the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Author: Ellen Vento
Lesson Plan:
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Lesson Plan
Share the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
By Ellen Vento
Students will understand the importance of an extraordinary gift. They will also become aware that there are many ways in which to give and receive gifts.
Grade Level
This lesson plan was created to influence and assist in teaching seventh grade students in religion, especially with Confirmation and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It can be adapted for use in religion class with students of varing ability levels in grades 2-8.
Religion and Technology.
Students will:
Become more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Internalize the talents and gifts that the Holy Spirit inspires in us.
Show gratitude by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they were intended to be used-for the good of others.
Learn that by sharing our gifts with others, we lose nothing and gain everything.
Understand that small gifts are just as important as large gifts, especially with gifts of the heart.
At least one copy of The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern
"The Greatest Gift" Youtube (Youth Message)
Ask students to bring in a beautifully wrapped gift box containing three objects that reflect one of the assigned Gifts of the Holy Spirit
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Explain to the students that when we receive an extraordinary gift it's exciting and we can't wait to show it to someone. Many times we want to share the gift with others so that they can share in our joy. Gifts are intended to be shared. In Baptism we receive an extraordinary gift, the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit produces further gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence, Wonder & Awe
Show "The Greatest Gift" Youtube (Youth message)
Ask the students to brainstorm and summarize the point of the youtube video. What was the reaction of the the young man Alex before and after he received the gift of a picture of Jesus.
Tell the students that you will now show another example of a special gift by reading the story The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern
Ask the students to brainstorm and explain what gift George Pratt received. And do they think he deserved another chance. Why? Is he a likeable character?
What do the main characters in the stories Alex and George Pratt have in common? Do they have similar personalities? Yes or No, explain.
Explain that these stories have religious elements. They show examples of extraordinary gifts. But the most extraordinary gifts are perfect gifts and they can only be given by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Have the students present their reflections of the each of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Teacher observation to evaluate whether the students understand the assignment. What level of imagination did the students use to reflect on each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The level of grammar and fluency used to write the essay part of the assignment. Was it interesting and personal.
Note: Writing a narrative or personal narrative essay is basically writing a story that has a connection to personal experiences. The key element to writing this type of essay is in the sharing of emotions and your view point with the reader and reflecting on personal experiences.
Write a short Personal Narrative Essay describing the most important and influential person in your life. Tell why that person is the greatest gift to you.
Home/School Connection
At home share the stories of "The Greatest Gift" Youtube (Youth Message) and "The Greatest Gift" Van Doren Stern, Philip. A short Story, 1943 with a family member. Discuss the importance of an extraordinary gift. Ask who or what was the most extraordinary gift in his/her life and Why?
Write a short report detailing the extraordinary gift your family member revealed to you.
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Lesson Extensions
Show The Actual '73 "Giving Tree" Movie Spoken By Shel Silverstein - Youtube
Write an Observation Essay:
Note: This type of essay permits the reader to interpret the experience through his own eyes. The essay author becomes the director, which takes hold of the scenery for the reader, and he is the only one to analyze it. So, the author in this type of essay delivers the observations. The information ordinarily focuses on the five senses (touch, taste, sight, smell, & sound) of human beings. A good observation essay makes an imprint in the memory of the reader and it becomes his own experience thereby seesawing between real and read experiences.
Students will write an Observation Essay expressing a personal interpretation/assessment of the story "The Giving Tree."
Cross-Curriculum Extensions
The young man Alex and George Pratt, the main characters in the stories each received extraordinary gifts. Are there other examples in stories with which the character(s) parallel Alex and George Pratt?
Witnesses for Christ Work Sheet (PDF)
Praying to the Holy Spirit (PDF)
Gift Poem Work Sheet (PDF)
Bibliographical References
"Practice Makes Catholic." Paprocki, Joe. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2011
"The Greatest Gift." Van Doren Stern, Philip. A Short Story, 1943
"The Greatest Gift." Youtube. Mormon Messages Youth, 2011