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Home | Lesson Plans | The Greatest Treasure |
The Greatest Treasure
Lesson Plan:
The Greatest Treasure
Context: Prior to the lesson, the students will have been introduced to the unit topic of the Silk Road. In addition, students will have been familiarized with the components of a Chinese folktale and created a template on folktales to display in the classroom for future reference. Students are also able to compute multi-digit addition and subtraction problems and single digit multiplication problems. In addition, the students have been exposed to word problems in math class. Students have also been exposed to programs such as Microsoft Photostory, Digitales and Pixies.
Concepts and generalizations:
The objectives of the lesson are for students to:
· Solve word problems based on the book, The Greatest Treasure
· Understand when to use addition, subtraction and multiplication to solve a problem
· Calculate problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication skills
· Understand how math can be incorporated into folk tales.
· Create folktale word problems using technology
1. Have students sit down on the rug in front of the easel with their math notebooks and a pencil.
2. Show students the cover of the book. Explain that this folktale is about the importance of family and how people can become greedy and lose sight of their family when they become obsessed with money.
3. Tell students that there are math problems within the story and their mission is to find the math problems. If they hear a math problem, they should raise their hand.
4. After reading page one, ask the students to count all of the loose coins on Pong’s table and then all of the loose coins on the floor. Ask students to add the two numbers in their math notebooks to determine how many loose coins Pong has in total (answer - 29 (table) + 25 (floor) = 54 coins). Go over the answer as a class on the easel and remind students to label their answers.
5. Continue reading the book. Stop on page 8. Ask the students if Pong had 400 gold coins and he gave 200 of his coins to Li, how many coins does Pong have left? Have students work with a partner to answer the question in their math notebooks. As a class, discuss which operation they chose to use (addition, subtraction or multiplication) and why. Have a volunteer demonstrate how to answer the question on the easel.
6. Stop reading on page 10. Ask the students to count the groups of coins on the page (answer: 59 groups of coins). How were the groups formed? (Each group consists of four columns of coins).
7. After page 15, ask the students to find out how many items Pin bought in total. (9 items) Ask students to state which operation they used and why (addition- counting all of the items purchased).
8. On page 23, ask the students to count all of the people playing a flute. How many girls are playing? How many boys?
9. At the end of the story, ask students to discuss in small groups how math was used to tell this folktale. Discuss student responses as a class.
10. Next, have students create their own Chinese math –based folktale. Brainstorm with students possible topics for the folktale. Each folk tale should have two math problems within the story. The folktales would be created using a program such as Microsoft Photostory, Digitales or Pixies
To assess whether the students have completed the objectives above, note if students were able to identify math problems in the text and if they was able to accurately complete the math problems with a partner and independently. In addition, students should be able to be able to explain how math was used in the folktale. Such notations should take the form of a checklist. Students should also be able to create a folktale using either Microsoft Photostory, Digitales or Pixies.
§ The Greatest Treasure by Demi
§ Math notebooks
§ Pencils
§ Easel
§ manipulatives