
Total Funds Awarded in FY 2006: $2,999,976
Total Number of Grantees: 23
Total Number of Consortia Funded 3

The 23 State educational agencies receiving FY 2006 MEP Consortium Incentive Grants, and the amount of their awards are as follows:

ARKANSAS    $86,623
COLORADO    $86,623
HAWAII    $173,246
ILLINOIS    $86,623
LOUISIANA    $86,623
MARYLAND    $173,246
MONTANA    $173,246
NEVADA    $173,246
NEW HAMPSHIRE*    $141,417
NEW MEXICO    $173,246
NEW YORK    $86,623
NORTH DAKOTA    $173,246
OHIO    $86,623
OKLAHOMA    $86,623
SOUTH CAROLINA    $173,246
SOUTH DAKOTA    $173,246
TEXAS    $86,623
UTAH    $86,623
VERMONT    $173,246
WISCONSIN    $173,246

*The incentive grant amount was limited to the FY 2006 MEP Basic State formula allocation.

The 3 approved consortia are as follows:

Consortium for Quality and Consistency in Identification and Recruitment (ConQIR)
The goal of this consortium is to promote interstate and intrastate coordination for quality assurance, reliability, and consistency in identification and recruitment (ID&R) practices and activities to benefit migratory children who have their education interrupted. The three objectives of ConQIR are to: (1) develop research-based methods and materials to support ID&R interviewing, re-interviewing, and eligibility determination; (2) build administrative capacity for providing expert guidance on ID&R interviewing, re-interviewing, quality control, and eligibility determination; and (3) disseminate materials on ID&R interview, re-interview, and systems for eligibility determination and quality control.

Key activities of the project include: convene workgroups of experts in ID&R, develop methods and materials for ID&R interview, re-interview, and eligibility determination, conduct a pilot test of these methods and materials, develop training materials and train state personnel on the materials, and disseminate these methods and materials. Member States are: New York (the lead SEA), Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vermont.

Migrant Reading Net
The overall goal of Migrant Reading Net is to improve the reading proficiency of migratory students whose education is interrupted by providing MEP staff access to high quality instructional lessons and resources based on scientifically-based reading research. The major objectives of the Migrant Reading Net Consortium are to increase the percentage of migrant students in the consortium states scoring proficient or advanced on state reading assessments, to increase MEP staff capacity to teach reading to migrant students, and to establish an ongoing and sustainable network for sharing and disseminating reading resources.

Key activities related to the obtainment of these objectives include: develop and implement student success plans, create secondary reading instructional lessons, provide training-of-trainers professional development activities, conduct a pilot test of the reading lessons, and create a webpage to share and disseminate resources with parents, students, and SEAs. Member States are: Utah (the lead SEA), Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Vermont.

Math Plus
The purpose of Math Plus is to increase migrant student achievement in mathematics by offering high-quality curriculum, instruction, professional development, and innovative uses of technology through interstate and intrastate coordination. Math Plus seeks to obtain the following objectives: (1) increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the proficient level on state mathematics assessments; (2) strengthen teachers’ knowledge and skills in core mathematics standards, balanced literacy, cognitively guided instruction, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol and related emerging practices; (3) demonstrate greater preparedness for graduation amongst students in grades 7-12; (4) demonstrate increased use of technology by teachers, and (5) demonstrate increased migrant parent interest and ability to act as advocates in their children’s education.

Key activities include: develop and implement high quality curriculum, design professional development training and materials, develop a cadre of mentors/resources by providing year-round instruction to select instructors, coordinate and implement training on the integration of technology into curriculum and professional development, and design math activities and training for parents. Member States are: Texas (the lead SEA), Arkansas, Illinois, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin.

There are no new MEP Consortium Incentive Grant awards for FY 2005. Second year continuation awards were made to SEAs who received FY 2004 MEP Consortium Incentive Grant awards. The 14 SEAs receiving FY 2005 MEP Consortium Incentie Grants, and the amount of their awards are as follows:
ARKANSAS    $120,802
ILLINOIS    $120,802
MICHIGAN    $120,802
MONTANA    $241,604
NEVADA*    $224,857
NEW MEXICO    $241,604
NEW YORK    $120,802
NORTH DAKOTA*    $222,507
OKLAHOMA    $120,802
TEXAS    $120,802
UTAH    $120,802
VERMONT    $241,604
VIRGINIA    $241,604
WISCONSIN    $241,604

*The incentive grant amount was limited to the FY 2005 MEP Basic State formula allocation.

Total Funds Awarded in FY 2004: $2,500,000
Total Number of Grantees: 14

The 14 SEAs receiving FY 2004 MEP Consortium Incentive Grants, and the amount of their awards, are as follows:
ARKANSAS    $120,657
ILLINOIS    $120,657
MICHIGAN    $120,657
MONTANA    $241,314
NEVADA*    $226,096
NEW MEXICO    $241,314
NEW YORK    $120,657
NORTH DAKOTA*    $222,727
OKLAHOMA    $120,657
TEXAS    $120,657
UTAH    $120,657
VERMONT    $241,314
VIRGINIA    $241,314
WISCONSIN    $241,314

*The incentive grant amount was limited to the FY 2004 MEP Basic State formula allocation.

The 2 approved consortia are as follows:

The Migrant Consortium Arrangement to Promote Academic Success (MAPAS)

The overall goal of MAPAS is to improve the reading proficiency of migratory children whose education is interrupted by providing access to high quality instruction based in scientifically based research and needs-based professional development. The major objectives of the MAPAS Consortium is to: (1) increase the percentage of such migrant students in the consortium states that will score proficient or advanced on state standards-based reading assessment; (2) develop the migrant achievement and performance system (MAPS) to increase the use of assessment results to drive instruction by MEP staff by the participating consortium states; and (3) increase the percentage of teachers in the consortium states that will be better prepared to deliver scientifically-based research curriculum and instructional strategies. Member states are: New Mexico (the lead SEA), Arkansas, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, and Vermont.

PROJECT MATEMATICA (Math Achievement Toward Excellence for Migrant Students and Professional Development for Teachers in Math Instruction Consortium Arrangement)

The purpose of this consortium is to provide migratory children whose education is interrupted with research and evidence-based curriculum, instruction, and supportive services that address their special needs. The four objectives of MATEMATICA are to: (1) increase the percentage of MATEMATICA students who meet or exceed the proficient level as measured by state assessment in mathematics (grades 3-12); (2) decrease the percentage of MATEMATICA students in grades 7-12 who drop out of secondary school and increase the percentage of MATEMATICA students who graduate from high school; (3) ensure that MATEMATICA teachers successfully complete professional development activities to strengthen their knowledge and skills; and (4) increase the participation of migrant parents. Member states are: Texas (the lead SEA), Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, Montana, New York, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

There were no MEP Consortium Incentive Grants awards made in FY 2003.