Migrant Education Coordination Support Center

Program Description
Coordination funds are used to provide grants and contracts to improve the interstate and intrastate coordination of migrant education programs.

Grants and contracts that will be funded in FY 2008 include:

(1) Consortium Incentive Grants, which support multistate consortia for improving coordination in eight areas of need (i.e., improving the identification and recruitment of eligible migrant children; using scientifically based research to improve school readiness; improving reading and math proficiency; decreasing the dropout rate; improving high school completion rates; strengthening the involvement of parents; expanding access to innovative technologies; and improving the education attainment of out-of-school migratory youths); technologies; and improving the education attainment of out-of-school migratory youths); (2) the Migrant Education Resource Center (MERC), which provides state migrant education programs with expert technical assistance and support for migrant child identification and recruitment activities, facilitates a peer-to-peer network to improve the knowledge and skills of migrant educators on MEP-specific requirements, and maintains a Web-enabled library to allow state and local migrant educators to electronically share MEP documents and products; (3) the Migrant Education Coordination Support Contract, a logistical support contract to organize and implement effective meetings and recommend and procure subject matter experts in support of national interstate coordination initiatives; (4) the MSIX, which links state migrant student record systems to electronically exchange academic and health-related information on a national basis; (5) the MSIX IV&V and Management Support Contract, which provides independent oversight of the MSIX contractors' performance and assistance with investment acquisition, management, and oversight activities; and (6) the MSIX State Data Quality Grants, which additional resources to SEAs receiving MEP will provide Basic State Formula Grant awards in order to assist them and their local operating agencies (LOAs) in implementing the interstate exchange of migrant children's records electronically through the MSIX.