Appropriation: Up to $10,000,000
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 20 consortium incentive grants; 1 Migrant Education Coordination Support contract; 1 Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) and Management Support Contract (also known as the MSIX Acquisition Support Contract); 49 MSIX State Data Quality Grants
Number of Continuation Awards: 2 contracts
Appropriation: Up to $10,000,000
Appropriation: Up to $10,000,000
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 39 consortium incentive grants to state education agencies
Number of Continuation Awards: 3 contracts
Appropriation: Up to $10,000,000
Appropriation: $10,000,000
Number of New Awards: None
Funding Level: $547,465
Note: Migrant coordination activities are funded from a set-aside of up to $10,000,000 from the annual appropriation for the migrant education program. See also Education of Migratory Children (# 84.011), also under the topical heading "Migrant Education."