Migrant Student Records Exchange Initiative

The Department was mandated by Congress, in Section 1308 (b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), to assist States in developing effective methods for the electronic transfer of student records and in determining the number of migratory children in each State. Further, Congress directed the Secretary, in Section 1308 (b)(2)(A) of the statute, to ensure the linkage of migrant student record systems. In accordance with the mandate, the Department has implemented the Migrant Student Information Exchange Initiative whose primary mission is to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children.

The Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) is the technology that allows States to share educational and health information on migrant children who travel from State to State and who as a result, have student records in multiple States' information systems. MSIX works in concert with the existing migrant student information systems that States currently use to manage their migrant data to fulfill its mission to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children nationwide.


The Records Exchange Advice, Communication and Technical Support (REACTS) team assists States with the implementation of records exchange using the MSIX consolidated record.  The REACTS team provides technical assistance site visits, a quarterly newsletter, listserv messages, templates and guides to facilitate expanding records exchange efforts in the States.



The Office of Migrant Education's (OME) migrant student records exchange initiative is a compilation of several projects, outreach efforts, and tools focused on creating the most effective national records transfer system.

The purpose of MSIX is to ensure greater continuity of educational services for migrant children by providing a mechanism for all States to exchange educational related information on migrant children who move from State to State due to their migratory lifestyle. It is anticipated that the existence and use of MSIX will help to improve the timeliness of school enrollments, improve the appropriateness of grade and course placements, and reduce incidences of unnecessary immunizations of migrant children. Further, MSIX will facilitate the accrual of course credits for migrant children in secondary school by providing accurate academic information on each student’s course history and academic progress.  In addition, States are able to notify each other when a migrant student is moving to a different State.

OME has developed the user and system requirements to implement the records transfer system and provides for overall system administration, maintenance and monitoring.


The primary goals and objectives of the Migrant Records Exchange Initiative are to:

Goal 1: Create an electronic exchange for the transfer of migrant student education and health data amongst the States.

Objective 1.1: Design, develop, and build the Migrant Student Information Exchange.
Objective 1.2: Efficiently collect and maintain complete and accurate migrant student education and health data needed for the purpose of record exchange.
Objective 1.3: Provide users with a consolidated migrant student record in a timely manner in order to facilitate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant students.
Objective 1.4: Reduce the burden of collecting, maintaining, and exchanging migrant student records.

Goal 2: Promote the use of MSIX.
Objective 2.1: Conduct consultation with States in the design, development and implementation of the MSIX.
Objective 2.2: Disseminate information on the requirements, Availability and benefits of the MSIX to prospective Users.
Objective 2.3: Provide training and help desk support to data users and providers.

Goal 3: Ensure the use of the consolidated migrant student record for the purposes of enrollment, placement, and accrual of credit of migrant students in school and migrant education projects.
Objective 3.1: Monitor compliance with records exchange requirements for the production of the consolidated migrant student records.
Objective 3.2: Monitor the use of the consolidated student record for the intended purposes of school enrollment, placement and accrual of credits.
Objective 3.3: Provide best practices, incentives, and penalties to continuously encourage and expand the use of the consolidated record.

Goal 4: Produce national data on the migrant population.
Objective 4.1: Provide the stakeholders with census data and statistics on unduplicated national migrant population.
Objective 4.2: Use unduplicated data for the generation of accurate, consistent child counts.


Contact Information
Patricia Meyertholen, Group 1 Leader              202-260-1394             Patricia.Meyertholen@ed.gov

Jennifer Dozier, MSIX Project Manager             202-205-4421              Jennifer.Dozier@ed.gov

Daryn Hedlund, MSIX Technical Lead               202-401-3008              Daryn.Hedlund@ed.gov