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Home | National Directories | After School Programs | Bricks4Kidz - Somerset and Bedford, Pennsylvania |
Bricks4Kidz - Somerset and Bedford, Pennsylvania

Basic Information
Address: 327 Glessner Road, Fairhope, PA 15538
Email: rjenner@bricks4kidz.com
Phone Number: 8142337894
Additional Information
Focus: Benefits of the Bricks 4 Kidz provides a child enrichment program that reinforce math and science concepts -Develop an appreciation for how things work -Build self-confidence and problem solving skills -Foster teamwork -Trigger children’s lively imaginations -Provide a safe, enriching place to create and playChild enrichment
Director: Roxanne Jenner
Schools Served: We serve all public, private, charter and home school students.
School District: All Somerset County and Bedford County Schools districts
County: Somerset, Bedford
Ages: 4-12 years old
Capacity: Varies, based upon actvities
Membership/Pricing: Varies, based upon duration and type
Schools, Community Centers, Activity Centers, Recreational Centers and other locations within our service areas. We are a mobile business and we bring all materials and instructors to your location. We also have a Brick Makerspace location that operates out of the Somerset County Boys and Girls Club facility.
The Bricks 4 Kidz® model was founded by Michelle Cote (a former architect) in St. Augustine, Florida. Michelle started an after-school Spanish Class (outside the school system). In the spring of 2008, while filling out the forms to become a “School Board Vendor” teaching Spanish, Michelle noticed a category (on the form) for “Creative Science.” Her son loves to play with LEGO® bricks, and she thought to herself, “Maybe I could lead a Creative Science LEGO® class too.” Michelle was awarded the bid for both the after-school Spanish and the Creative Science LEGO® class. That summer, 35 children signed up for the LEGO® camp!
After seeing the excitement over the LEGO® bricks, Michelle decided to go with the LEGO® after-school class in the fall and it took off. That fall, Michelle found herself at three different elementary schools with an average of 20 students in each class every week. Now Michelle does over 20 after-school enrichment classes a week, PLUS in-school field trips, 11 camps during the summer and bunches of birthday parties every weekend!
Today BRICKS 4 KIDZ® has over 300 franchises throughout the world making it one of the fastest growing franchises in the US and Canada.
Program Highlights:
After-school enrichment classes. Field Trips. Fundraising for PTO Special events. Week-long summer camps. Holiday camps. Scouting events (Cub/Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts). Birthday parties. Preschool classes. Kidz Night Out. Family Fun Night. And more!
In-school field trips, after school programs, camps, birthday parties, fundraisers, events, science school nights, math school nights, etc
Field Trip Destinations: We provide in-school field trips to schools, homeschool groups, community centers, recreational centers, and scout troops at your location.
Slogan: We learn, we build, we play...with LEGO bricks