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New Hampshire Afterschool Network

Basic Information
Address: 165 South River Road, Unit F
Bedford, NH 03110
Email: nhan@seresc.net
Phone Number: 603-504-5300
Additional Information
Focus: NHAN is committed to high-quality out-of-school time experiences for all NH youth, families, and communities.
Southeastern Regional Education Service Center
Director: Shelli Roberts
County: New Hampshire
Ages: Out-of-School Time programs serving youth ages PreK-12th grade.
Membership/Pricing: None
We work with all NH OST providers.
Program Highlights:
We bring together the brightest minds from across the state to improve funding for and access to OST and summer learning programs.
* Identifying and cultivating relationships to benefit OST professionals and improve program quality
* Building Partnerships to champion OST issues
We provide tools and resources to help OST providers be their very best (so youth get the most out of their experiences!)
* Showcasing NH OST programs and youth development staff
* Connecting OST professionals to resources through effective outreach
*Identifying and sharing grant and funding opportunities
*Sharing Conference and Professional Development opportunities
We listen to the field and work together to advocate for solutions that make the greatest impact.
* Monitoring legislation that impacts OST and summer programming
* Monitoring state and federal budgets, committee hearings, and elections
* Increasing awareness on the impact of OST on NH youth and families
* Meeting with legislators to provide and improve knowledge related to OST and summer learning issues
Annual Out-of-School Time Spring Celebration & Convention
Lights on Afterschool
We Love Afterschool
Program Information:
The New Hampshire Afterschool Network (NHAN) unites providers, families, businesses, community leaders, organizations, and policymakers to enhance out-of-school experiences. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, we aim to influence public policy, secure resources, and enhance out-of-school professionalism and program quality. By building bridges and nurturing partnerships, NHAN strives to enrich the lives of children and youth, ensuring they have access to high-quality, enriching out-of-school experiences that positively impact their growth, learning, and future success.
Tags: #OST, #NHAN, #afterschool