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Girls on the Run-Chicago

Basic Information
Address: 1415 N. Dayton, Ste. 1S
Chicago, IL 60642
Email: info@gotrchicago.org
Phone Number: 312-266-8200
Fax Number: 312-266-8201
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Schools Served: We serve all public and parochial schools.
County: Cook, Will, Lake, DuPage, Kane
Schedule: Fall season: September-November; Spring season: March-June
Ages: 8-14
Capacity: 8-16 girls per group with 2 adult volunteers, sites can have more than 1 group
Membership/Pricing: Sliding scale based on percent free/reduced lunch at a school.
Girls on the Run-Chicago (GOTRC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating and preparing girls for a lifetime of self respect and healthy living. We use experiential learning programs which combine training for a 5K (3.1 mile) running event with lesson plans designed to promote positive choices and an active lifestyle. GOTRC was started in 1999, but it is part of a national organization, Girls on the Run International, which was created in Charlotte, NC in 1996 by Molly Barker, a social worker and 4-time Hawaii Ironman triathlete. Girls on the Run International (GOTRI) remains based in Charlotte and has expanded to more than 150 councils and 40,000 participants across the country.
Our 12-week character building program of experiential learning through running teaches very specific and well-defined social and personal skills. The program culminates in a non-competitive 5K run event which gives the girls a chance to shine and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.
The curriculum encompasses the following 3 concepts:
* Weeks 1-4: All About Me...Getting to Know Who I am and What I Stand For!
* Weeks 5-8: Building My Team...Understanding the Importance of Cooperation
* Weeks 9-12: Community Begins with Me...Learning About Community and Designing Our Own Community Project
Girls on the Run programs are based on activities that function specifically to enhance the learning process.
Field Trip Destinations: There are often field trip opportunities throughout the season based on partnerships with other organizations. Each program season ends with a 5k race, with the fall season ending with a 5k in Bridgeview, IL at TOYOTA PARK, and the spring season ending at Montrose Harbor in Chicago, IL
Program Information:
Girls on the Run is a life-changing, experiential learning programs for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development. The Girls on the Run objective is to reduce the potential display of at-risk activities among its participants. The goal is fewer adolescent pregnancies and eating disorders, less depression and suicide attempts, as well as fewer substance/alcohol abuse problems and confrontations with the juvenile justice system. Girls on the Run delivers our message to young girls through volunteer coaches and mentors. Each meeting is structured as follows: * The session begins with a getting-on-board and a warm-up activity that bring the girls' focus onto the day's topic. * The warm-up is followed by a stretching routine that allows for a topic-related question and answer time. * Then, during the workout period, the girls participate in a variety of running activities that utilize a game or a team goal. * Afterwards, cool-down stretching is combined a review and discussion of the day's lesson that encourages participant questions. * Each session closes with positive words from the girls' coach regarding individual and group behaviors.
Slogan: learn.dream.live.run.