Kids Robotic Academy

Kids Robotic Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4007 Bellaire Blvd. Suite KK Houston, TX 77025
Phone Number: 713-454-7004
Fax Number: 713-454-7004

Action Shots

Kids Robotic Academy

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Additional Information

Focus: Child development with the power of technology.
Ages: 3 - 14

Kids Robotic Academy started in 2011 and over the years we are exponentially growing! We have opened up our own Robotic Teaching Facility located near you, and we are also franchising locations within the Greater Houston area. We teach at many schools throughout Houston, such as Robert M. Beren Academy, St. Cecilia Catholic School, Sugar Grove Christian School and much more!

Program Highlights:

Robotics is a multi-disciplinary tool that is increasingly being used worldwide to motivate, excite, and inspire students about math and science. We teach students ages from 3 - 14, providing a hands-on learning experience in solving real world challenges and exposing students to STEM! (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)


We also offer:
Home school programs
After school programs
Field Trips (at your facility or our location)
Summer Camps
Winter Camps
Spring Camps
Science night demonstrations
Professional robotics training for your teachers or staff

Field Trip Destinations: Let your students learn about STEM as they build hands on projects with LEGOs to create robots! We can host field trips at our location or come to your school as well! For more information call for Lillie at 713-454-7004 ex. 105.
Program Information:

Robotics is a multi-disciplinary tool that is being increasingly used
worldwide in educational programs to motivate, excite, and inspire students
about math and science.

The Kids Robotics provides a hands-on experience is solving real world challenges and exposes students to physics, mechanics, electronics, programming, vocabulary building and much more.

Each program we offer, based on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics,) is designed to provide opportunites for skill-building based on development level.

DuBotics (Recommended Ages 3 - 5)

WeBotics (Recommended Ages 5 - 8)

NXTBotics (Recommended Ages 8 - 10)

EV3Botics (Recommended Ages 10+)
Image result for EV3