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Home | National Directories | Collegiate Recovery Programs | Cincinnati State Technical and Community College |
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Basic Information
Program Name: CState Recovery Community (CSRC)
Phone Number: 5135691439
Program Contact: Holly Stoddard
Action Shots
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Additional Information
Established: 2024
Area of Focus:
Free service for students who have struggled with, are struggling with, or know someone struggling with mental health challenges and/or substance use or misuse.
Services include a safe, comfortable space to relax, study, or socialize; individualized peer support services; group support; mental health counseling; educational groups; and more.
Accreditation: Association of Recovery in Higher Education
Residential: No
Counseling Services: Yes
Disability Services:
Can connect students to services.
Treatment Services: Connected to Counseling Center clinicians. Students have access to a peer supporter and other staff.
Mission Statement:
The Recovery Community, in collaboration with Counseling Services, aims to create a sense of belonging for students who need support in dealing with substance use, misuse, mental health struggles, or problem behaviors, either for themselves or in relationships with others.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Students who reach out to the Recovery Community can feel comfortable you will be "met where you are" in your recovery journey. The program will approach all types of recovery in a holistic and compassionate way, using harm reduction principles.
Program Goals:
- Increased GPA (compared to college average)
- Increased persistence, retention, and graduation rates (compared to college average)
- Sustained recovery rate from the time a student joins the community to graduation
- Boost to student confidence, stability, & job seeking potential
Programs and Services:
Students who join the Recovery Community can attend support group sessions or schedule individual meetings with a Recovery Community counselor, peer supporter, or community resource specialist, or request support from Counseling Services.
Social Media:
Program Information:
- Participating students must sign a Participant Handbook agreement to ensure compliance with the Student Code of Conduct and the mission and goals of the Recovery Community.
- Depending on the topic, groups and activities may be facilitated by counselors, faculty or staff members with related expertise, or trained peer support leaders.