Bandung Independent School

Basic Information

Address: Jl. Prof. Drg. Surya Sumantri No. 61 Bandung, West Java 40164
Phone Number: +62 22 2014995 ; (whatsapp) : +62 8112 142 400
Fax Number: +61 22 2012688
Director/Owner: Marci Russell

Action Shots

Bandung Independent School
Bandung Independent School
Bandung Independent School
Bandung Independent School

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Head of School: Marci Russell
Ages: 2 Years Old - Grade 12
Accreditation/Affiliation: CIS, NEASC
Nationalities: Indonesian, South Korean, American, Australian, Singaporean, Brazilian, Taiwan, British, Venezuelan, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, German, Indian, Japanese, Serbian, Mexican, Yaman
Language(s): English, Indonesian, Chinese, French
School Types: International Private School

IDR 41,600,000 - 303,400,000

Financial Aid:


Enrollment: Trial Day (EC1 - G12) Placement Test (G2 - 12)
School Schedule (Hours in Day): School hours Nursery (1.5 hours) EC1 (3.15 hours) EC2 (5.15 hours) EC2 - G10 (6.45 hours) G11 - G12 (7.5 hours)

FoBIS (Friend of BIS), BIS Alumni

School Size: 12,170 M2
Classroom Size: Ave 8x8m2, Library 15 x 10 m2, Auditorium 200m2
Student/Teacher Ratio: Elementary 6 Students: 1 Teacher

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Exams: IB Exam
Percentage of Graduating Class: 100% graduation rate
Support Services:

English Support, pull out English classes, push in English support, Multi-lingual learning support, Math support, and Math enrichment, student well-being and wellness, school well-being counselor and university counselor, specialized learning support teacher

Parking Spaces/Availability:

800M2, est cover 100 cars and 100 bikes

Uniform Guidelines:

Dress code, but no uniforms

Admissions Requirements:

General Documents

  1. Scan of the immunization records for Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT or DTap), Polio, Measles, Mumps, Hepatitis B, and Rubella. Also, requires BCG inoculation OR a negative tuberculin skin test.

Recommended Vaccinations; Influenza (annual), HPV, Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal, and Rotavirus (will be required for children born in 2023+)

  1. Covid-19 vaccine certificate (recommended)

  2. External Reports/Documents (Medical/Education Psychological evaluation report)

  3. Scan of birth certificate

  4. Scan of student passport

  5. Scan of school reports for the past 3 years (starting from at least Grade 1)

  6. Scan of National school certificate (Ijazah Nasional SD & SMP)

  7. Transfer letter from the previous school

  8. Dapodik transfer letter (for Indonesian & Expatriate students if they attend the school in Indonesia)

  9. Student photo 4x6cm with blue background/ close-up photo


Additional documents for Expatriate students

  1. Scan of parents’ passports, valid for at least 18 months

  2. Scan of Residence Permits (KITAS) from Immigration for student/s and parents

  3. Report certificate from the Indonesian police department


Additional documents for Indonesian students

  1. Scan of parents’ ID cards (KTP)

  2. Scan of Family Card

  3. Scan of National school certificates (Ijazah Nasional): SD/SMP (Grade 6 and Grade 9)

  4. Scan of SKHUN (if Any): SD/SMP (Grade 6 and Grade 9)

  5. Embassy letter that mentions the student's previous school information (for Indonesian students who attend the school overseas)

Admissions Deadline: A week before school starts
Mission Statement:

Vision : To champion individual potential and cultivate leaders, as the school of choice for the internationally-minded community of West Java.

Mission : Through engaging IB programmes, we empower inquiring, reflective, and caring lifelong learners to continue striving towards a better world.

School History:

BIS opened its doors in 1972 in a converted house in Ciumbuleuit. The non-profit school is governed by a dedicated group of parent volunteers who are guided by the school's Mission, Vision, and Values.

Today, BIS is in its 51st year serving expatriate and local families in Bandung and educates nearly 200 students on a 1.2-hectare campus just north of the city center. We are proud to be the only IB Continuum school in the city of Bandung. Our programmes are relevant and rigorous but also balanced; we offer a truly holistic approach to education to support our students' development academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Visa Requirement:

The list of required documentation to apply for the student permit visa sponsored by the school:

  1. Passport - passports should have a minimum of 18 months validity & have a minimum of three clean pages

  2. Digital Photo (passport size)

  3. Visit visa or Limited Stay Permit (KITAS)

  4. Birth Certificate

  5. The notification letter from the previous school (mentioning the name of the school, the address, commencing dates and the grade)

  6. Home address (Indonesia and abroad)

  7. Parents' passports and Stay permit (KITAS)

Travel/Living Accommodations: Non-boarding school
Employment Opportunities: All positions have been filled
Social Media:

Facebook : Bandung Independent School

Instagram : @bandunginpedendentschool

Tiktok : @bisdragons

X : @bisbandung

Youtube : Bandung Independent School