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Lycée International de Los Angeles (LILA)
Basic Information
Address: (5 campuses: Los Feliz/Los Angeles, Pasadena, West Valley/Tarzana, Orange County/Orange, Burbank). Corporate Office: 1105 W. Riverside Drive, Burbank, CA 91506
Phone Number: 626-695-5159
Fax Number: 818-859-7355
Email: admissions@lilaschool.com
Director/Owner: Michael Maniska
Additional Information
Ages: 3-18 yrs/ Preschool/Petite Section de Maternelle - 12th grade/Terminale
Accreditation/Affiliation: WASC (Western Association of Schools & Colleges), IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization), French Ministry of Education, Mission laique française, NACA ( National Association for College Admission Counseling), AEFE ( Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger).
Language(s): French, English.
School Types: Private School
$14,800 - $17,700
Financial Aid:
French nationals may apply for the French National Bourse; LILA also offers need-based scholarships.
School Schedule (Hours in Day): Elementary 6.5 hours, Secondary 7.5 hours.
International, Francophone American
Classroom Size: Elementary 18, Secondary 15
Student/Teacher Ratio: 7:1
LILA's academic program from preschool through high school is based on a bicultural-bilingual program which results in a French Baccalaureat degree or a bilingual International Baccalaureate full diploma. French immersion begins in Preschool where the overall goal is to allow children to grow in a happy environment where they will acquire a healthy desire for knowledge. Elementary school, a pivotal time in a child’s life, is the child’s first contact with structured learning. This experience will be a deciding factor as to whether or not a child enjoys school and finds the learning process rewarding. LILA challenges students and puts them on a firm footing for the rest of their educational careers. The curriculum of the elementary school relies on the traditional essentials of reading, writing and mathematics. Because LILA students come from many nations, social studies and the concept that we are all citizens of one world is stressed. Traditional preparation for further education such as work and study habits, neatness, intellectual discipline and respect for the environment are all emphasized. In 5th Grade, students traditionally take a 2-week class trip to France where they attend school with their peers and participate in field trips led by their accompanying teacher. In middle school, students are faced with challenging new concepts and ideas and the curriculum includes many new subjects. Students take between nine and eleven different courses each year. Ranging from Art to Physical Science, the program is demanding and requires serious commitment. Students are exposed to many subjects to achieve a balanced curriculum. Courses are taught through a global approach and subjects extend over several years. Subjects taught in middle school include French and English Language Arts – both taught at an advanced level (grammar, literature, creative writing, essay structure), Math (French incorporating elements of the American system), Tech & Skills, Physics & Chemistry, Biology & Geology, World History & Geography (taught in both languages), Civics, US History, Visual Arts, Music, and Physical Education. Beyond the languages of instruction (English and French), LILA students study Spanish as a third modern language, starting in sixth grade. At the end of ninth grade (troisième), students are expected to take the Brevet, a compulsory French exam covering Math, French language and literature, History/Geography/Civics, and Art History. Through their sophomore year, students follow a composite of French and American coursework based on the traditional French Lycée curriculum, to which the necessary elements of the American program are added. At the end of 10th grade, students choose one of two Baccalaureate programs for their final two years at LILA. Both programs are rigorous pre-university courses of study that meet the needs of highly motivated high school students. Students may choose the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, a comprehensive two-year curriculum, which promotes student autonomy, independent research, and a rich, post-modern educational environment. At LILA, the bilingual IB Diploma model is designed as a microcosmic version of a university degree program and consists of six academic areas. Subjects are studied concurrently and students are exposed to the two great traditions of learning: the humanities and the sciences. LILA also offers three sections of the (FB) French Baccalauréat général : S, ES, and L, within which the following courses are offered: French, English, Economics and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Biology, Physics/Chemistry, Philosophy, History/Geography, an additional modern Foreign Language, and Physical Education. This exam requires that students have a good command of spoken and written French and demonstrate mastery of analysis and synthesis skills. A true international education must include community service, if we are to raise socially-conscious children who will understand social and political issues in the real world. At LILA, it is mandatory for ALL juniors and seniors (IB and FB) to complete at least 150 hours of extracurricular community service: Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) (in order to awaken students to a more compassionate and active citizenship).
Percentage of Graduating Class: 100%
Support Services:
Due to small class sizes and a professional and personable faculty, one-on-one teaching is encouraged and supported. In addition, Study Hall is offered where teachers supervise and help students after regular school hours.
Computer Capabilities:
All classrooms are equipped with interactive Smartboards. All students have access to computers.
Parking Spaces/Availability:
Campus parking lot for parents, students, and teachers.
Admissions Requirements:
LILA looks for academically motivated students from a variety of ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds who recognize the value of a demanding academic program. Another important consideration is the student’s willingness to respect the rules and regulations of the school and be an enthusiastic participant in school activities.
Admissions Deadline: The regular enrollment period is February- March for the following September but because many of our families are world travelers, LILA is open for admissions throughout the year, space allowing.
Mission Statement:
Lycée International de Los Angeles (LILA) is an international, preschool through 12th-grade school, committed to academic excellence in a nurturing and intimate environment that encourages personal initiative, creativity and curiosity. Students are challenged through the rigorous and well-balanced bilingual curricula of the French and International Baccalaureate institutions. Our goal is to develop confident, caring, and open-minded critical thinkers who will thrive in a diverse competitive world.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
At LILA we adopt ways of thinking and expression that reflect an appreciation for cultural differences and multiple world views. Diverse groups learn more from each other when exchanging different points of view, introducing new pieces of information, and confronting alternative ideas. LILA’s small and nurturing classes facilitate the sharing of different viewpoints. Being immersed in a truly multicultural environment helps develop the ability to better understand one’s own culture - what makes it different, but also in which ways it is similar. This, in turn, helps maintain a strong sense of one’s own background. Teachers, staff and students come from all over the world, each bringing their own experiences and perspectives. Our students study and live in a world community every day.
Notes/School Information:
In 2015, The Washington Post named LILA as the 12th most challenging private high school in the U.S.
LILA led the way in international education in French schools across North America in 2015 when it was accredited by the French Ministry of Education to offer the International American Section of the French curriculum in Middle School. It is the first school in North America that is accredited to deliver the Diplôme National du Brevet - International (DNB-I).