Montgomery International School Brussels

Montgomery International School Brussels Logo

Basic Information

Address: 133 Rue du Duc 1200 Brussels Belgium
Phone Number: +3227336323

Action Shots

Montgomery International School Brussels
Montgomery International School Brussels
Montgomery International School Brussels
Montgomery International School Brussels

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Additional Information

Ages: 5.5 to 19
Accreditation/Affiliation: International Baccalaureate
Nationalities: 50
Language(s): English, French
School Types: Private


School Schedule (Hours in Day): Primary: M, T, Tr, F: 8:10 to 3:30 pm - Wed: 8:10 to 12:00 Secondary: 8:10 to 3:30 pm School opens at 7:30 am and closes at 6:00 pm. Homework club and Daycare available until 6:00 pm
Classroom Size: 18
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1:10


Notes/School Information:

Montgomery International School (MIS) is a fully accredited IB school (International Baccalaureate), accepting students from the early years (51/2yo) to the diploma years (19 yo). With a 100% success rate in the IB Diploma, and results exceeding the global average, MIS consistently ranks among the top international schools in Brussels.
Close to the European Institutions, MIS is located in a safe neighborhood with easy access to public transportation. We take full advantage of our location with field trips to EU institutions, Parliament, university libraries and other cultural and artistic venues throughout the year.

MIS is represented by a diverse and caring community that empowers students to achieve high academic standards through a holistic and engaging pedagogy. Our pedagogy revolves around a culture of curiosity, respect and kindness. Moreover, it supports individual aspirations and encourages the growth of global citizens who strive to have a positive impact on the world.

Our mission is guided by 5 principles

1.Innovative curriculum -
Our curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills. We encourage independent thinking, and promote collaboration to ensure that our students are well prepared for the challenges of university.

2. Commitment to Academic Growth
We are committed to fostering academic growth in a diverse and inclusive community. We believe in recognising the unique needs and strengths of every student, providing individualised support and tools to ensure each learner can grow and succeed. Our school offers a safe and supportive environment where students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and learn from mistakes. By embracing setbacks and taking risks, our students develop perseverance and confidence, preparing them to successfully navigate the challenges of the IB's rigorous programme.

3. Knowing our students
We recognise the unique qualities and potential of each student. Our educational approach is centred around individualised learning, enabling us to understand and cater to the specific learning styles of every student.

4. Student-teacher connection
We strongly believe in the impact of positive relationships on the learning experience. Montgomery International School's environment promotes open communication and trust between teachers and students. Strong bonds lead to effective teaching and allow teachers to guide students towards their goals and to nurture their unique talents.

5. Culture of care
We foster a caring and nurturing environment promoting open-mindedness and mutual respect between all members of the community. MIS's school culture encourages students to develop a strong sense of empathy, compassion, and social responsibility.