DigiPen Academy

DigiPen Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 9931 Willows Road NE Redmond, WA 98052
County: USA
Phone Number: (425) 629-5007
Program Director: Raymond Yan

Action Shots

DigiPen Academy
DigiPen Academy
DigiPen Academy
DigiPen Academy

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Grades: 11 & 12
Ages Accepted: 16-19
Session Start Date: July 8th 2024
Session End Date: August 2nd 2024
Application Deadline: June 1, 2024
Pricing: $2995 to $3195
Mission Statement:

To Inspire and Equip the Next Generation of Innovators

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

DigiPen’s programs are designed to use a differentiated approach to empower each student not only with knowledge about a topic, but also critical problem-solving skills combined with a passion for learning.

School History:

The DigiPen Difference

Students and parents choose DigiPen Academy for a variety of reasons: our leading-edge programs, opportunities to earn college credits, the emphasis on team projects and applied learning, and our experienced faculty.

We are aligned with one of the world's top video game design schools

DigiPen Academy is aligned with DigiPen Institute of Technology (DIT) - one of the Top 5 Video Game Design Schools in the world (as ranked by the Princeton Review every year since 2009).

Our teaching facilities are located on the grounds of the DIT campus in the tech hub of Redmond, Washington, and we develop our curriculum in consultation with their faculty, based on the degree pathways they offer, and current industry demand and standards. DIT has relationships with major tech companies like Microsoft and Nintendo that directly inform our curriculum design. Our students are even able to earn college credits at DIT while they are in our high school programs.

DIT was the first school in the world to offer a Bachelor's degree in Video Game Development and, over the years, students from its three campuses (DIT has international campuses in Spain and Singapore) have won more than 278 awards for game projects and academic papers, while its alumni have helped ship more than 2,000 commercial game titles, including some of the most popular video games of all time!

We teach students the skills they need to succeed in industry

Our programs are designed to teach high school students the skills, approach and work ethic they need to succeed in college and beyond. Students who learned to code, draw and design with us have gone on to build successful careers at some of the world's leading tech companies, game studios, and startups.

Through training on cutting-edge technology, hands-on projects, and interdisciplinary teamwork in a studio environment, the concepts we teach in the classroom are connected to the real-world challenges students will face.

By working on project teams consisting of a range of specialities, students gain an understanding of the field as a whole, the role they and other specialists play, and how projects are developed in real life. Our programs are intentionally designed to reflect industry standards and practices: small teams with different backgrounds and skills collaborate to apply their knowledge, overcome challenges, and build amazing things together.

School Motto: We Prepare Today’s Creators For Tomorrow’s Careers
Social Media:

DigiPen Academy offers four-week, online summer courses in Art & Animation, Game Design, Video Game Programming, and Music & Sound Design that introduce students to college-level coursework in their chosen field - along with the skills they need to be successful in the game industry.

The coursework is aligned with the curriculum at DigiPen Institute of Technology - one of the world's Top Five Video Game Design Schools - and at the end of the program, students receive a transcript of their course grades for inclusion in their college application.

During the four-week online course, students learn the fundamentals of their chosen field. Mornings are dedicated to learning core concepts from faculty-level instructors, and afternoons are spent in the project lab, where students immerse themselves in the roles of programmers, game designers, artists, music composers and sound designers.

Additional Information:
