Family Connections

Family Connections Logo

Basic Information

Address: Family Connections El Dorado Mentors Plus Joe Tassinari 344 Placerville Drive, STE 10 Placerville, CA 95667
Phone Number: 530-626-5164 ext. 12
Fax Number: 530-626-0670
Director: Wendy Wood

Action Shots

Family Connections
Family Connections
Family Connections
Family Connections

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: 1 to 1 mentoring by adult volunteers with youth ages 10-15 at schools in El Dorado County
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: middle school youth grades 6-9
Ages for Volunteer: 17 - 92
Hours of Service: 8am - 5 pm
Minimum Hours Required: 45 minutes per week while school is in session
Days of Service: M - F
Mission Statement:

to Strengthen Families and Enrich Communities......We are All Connected!

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Mentoring is Positive Role Modeling; it goes like this ...
All people are inherently beautiful. A mentor’s role is to look towards the beautiful light of their youth (mentee) and notice it. The mentee will see their beauty reflecting in your eyes and remember who they are. Because you have their best interest in mind your mentee will feel happy to be around you. This will make you happy and your light will shine! Your mentee will get to see the positive things about you and therefore hold them as possibilities in their own life. Your strengths will influence their many decisions as they grow into joyful young adults. Your primary goal as a mentor is to make it comfortable to be around you.

Mentors Plus, one of 4 Family Connections programs, has been in operation at El Dorado County middle schools since 1995. Mentors Plus operates on campus during school. There are many advantages to operating the program while school is in session; these will be covered during the mentor orientation. We offer 1-to-1 mentoring for adult volunteers (you) who are "matched" with a youth (mentee).

Program History:

Mentors Plus, one of 4 Family Connections programs, has been in operation at El Dorado County middle schools since 1995. Mentors Plus operates on campus during school. There are many advantages to operating the program while school is in session; these will be covered during the mentor orientation. We offer 1-to-1 mentoring for adult volunteers (you) who are "matched" with a youth (mentee).

Mentors meet with their mentees once per week for 45 minutes (one class period) while school is in session. There are natural breaks when school is out and summer vacation. We ask that our mentors commit through the end of the current school year. Because our emphasis is on fun, almost every mentor stays with their mentee longer.

What mentors do with their mentees varies with each relationship. Most mentees (youth) lead the way on activities. Your role as a mentor is to make it comfortable to be around you; therefore, to facilitate activities that are enjoyable. Some activities include: walking and talking, board games, play catch, visit local businesses or places of interest, skill sharing and more. Everything is covered in the orientation.

Joe Tassinari
Mentor Coordinator
(530) 626-5164 x12


Mentoring can take place either on campus or off. Mentors are always welcome at community service events and adventure based activities.

Additional Information:

How to become a mento with Mentors Plus ...

* Contact Joe by phone or e-mail

* Fill out a one page application

* Attend a 2 hour mentor orientation (everything is covered)

* Get fingerprinted

* MATCHING MEETING: meet with your school's site coodinator so they may best match you with a youth

* 1st MEETING: meet your mentee with the site coordinator for the 1st time

* A week after the 1st meeting you and your mentee will begin meeting 1-to-1

Joe Tassinari
Mentor Coordinator
(530) 626-5164 x12