Several administrative appointments can be held by academics in France. Most are elected positions, with prerogatives and duties described in the statutes of the relevant organization (university, faculty, research lab...).
Recteur (Rector): High-level civil servants appointed by the Ministry of education to oversee an educational district called académie. They are also chancellor of the universities in their district, meaning that they administrate the real estate owned by the State and used by the university. They usually are chosen among senior university professors.
Président de l'université (University President): Elected position, usually held by a professor, for four years. Presides over the Conseil d'administration (Boad of Directors), an elected body which governs the university. Usually also presides the Conseil académique (Academic Council), another elected body responsible for defining the University's research policies.
Doyen (Dean) or Directeur d'unité de formation et de recherche (Director of Teaching and Research Unit): Elected position, chairperson of one of the university schools, called faculté or unité de formation et de recherche.
resides over the Conseil de faculté (Faculty Council) or the Conseil d'UFR (UFR Council), an elected body representing the faculty.
Directeur d'unité de recherche (Director of Research Unit): Elected chairperson of a research unit. Presides over the Conseil de laboratoire (Laboratory Council), an elected body representing the research unit. Appoints the Responsables d'équipe (team leaders) who manage the teams that constitute the research unit.
Directeur d'école doctorale (Director of Graduate School): Elected chairperson of one of a graduate school.