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Home | Clinical Trials | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Clinical Trials: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Do you hate the way any part(s) of your body (for example, your skin, hair, nose, eyes) look?
Do you think about the way you look for more than 1 hour per day?
Do you spend time checking the way you look, or trying to hide or fix your appearance (for
example, checking your looks in a mirror, comparing yourself to others, spending a lot of time
fixing your appearance)?If you answered yes to any of these questions and live in the Boston area, we may be able to help.
The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital is conducting a no-cost clinical trial with adolescents who are worried about how they look. Those qualified will receive a diagnostic evaluation and information on treatment options at no cost.
For more information, please contact the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Clinic at Massachusetts
General Hospital at (617) 643-6204 or bdd@partners.org -
We are clinical researchers from the University Medical Center in Hamburg (Germany). For years, we have been conducting research on psychological factors underlying anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and have developed several treatment methods ourselves. Currently we are conducting an online study examining a new promising self-help technique targeting obsessions, which is called "doubt therapy" developed by Dr. Kieron O'Connor and his colleagues at McGill University Montreal (Canada) which is rooted in a cognitive-behavioral understanding of OCD. The present study like forerunner trials we did on other self-help programs is to advance our understanding of OCD and particularly to improve the troubled situation of people afflicted with OCD. Research indicates that only a minority seeks active help (40% according to the WHO) and there are multiple barriers to treatment including money and fear of stigma. If treatment is sought, it takes around 9 years until a patient sees a specialist. Self-help can by no means substitute a standard therapy but is a first step and may alleviate some of the burden of OCD. In addition, many people with OCD do not fully recover from CBT treatment and self-help grounded in CBT may lead to further improvement.
Study participation is free of charge and anonymous.
We would appreciate if you support our study. However, please take your time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. To participate, please use the following link
Clearly, we would inform you about the outcome of the study later. All published information will be group data and blinded, that is, information will be published in such a way that you cannot be identified.