Research shows that EAOP students are more prepared for college than students who do not participate in the program. Independent academic studies and evaluations conducted for California's state legislature show that EAOP students surpass students statewide in terms of coursework and exam completion, UC eligibility, college enrollment and college persistence. For example:
California's public university course requirements | EAOP students complete the 'A-G' course requirements at twice the rate of students statewide. |
Entrance exams | In schools with an API of 1 and 2, EAOP students took the SAT/ACT at twice the rate of non-EAOP students (61% compared to 29%). |
College eligibility | The college eligibility rate for EAOP students is more than two and a half times that of students in California statewide, 34% for EAOP students compared to 14.4% statewide. |
College attendance (public colleges in California) | More than 2/3 of EAOP alumni attend a California public college, significantly higher than the statewide rate of less than half. |
College enrollment (all colleges) | Seventy-two percent of EAOP Students enroll in college the first year after high school. |