Outside of the educational environment, the Montgomery Scholars program has numerous social functions to introduce new students to the program and also to alumni with Scholars outside of their graduating class. The initial acceptees to the Scholars program are invited to a President's Tea in May, held at the Montgomery College President's house, to (re)introduce themselves to the professors and the president of the college. Before the new class of Scholars begins their first semester, an overnight retreat in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, is held, typically the last weekend in August before the semester begins and before the more formal orientation to the Core curricula. During the first year, freshmen are encouraged to come to the weekly "Philo Cafes" held in Philosophy Professor White's basement, where students, professors, and guests discuss philosophical issues. Students often create close bonds within the Scholars Program which spills over from the classroom to social life.
Events are also held seasonally to bring current Scholars and alumni together. Open invitations are extended to all past and present Scholars to attend the Winter Solstice Philo Cafe in December, usually held at a professor's house. In May, the Montgomery Scholars Picnic is held at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg, MD, to welcome the new class of Scholars and introduce them to alumni.
Efforts are currently underway to organize an alumni association.