Sally Ride Science Academy sponsored by ExxonMobil
In 2009, Sally Ride Science hosted its first Academy in San Diego, CA, giving 111 teachers and administrators tools to help increase students’ interest in science. The 4-day professional development event, sponsored by ExxonMobil, is offered to teachers and administrators by district invitation only and participants are encouraged to train other teachers in their districts on the Academy curriculum.
In 2010, the Sally Ride Science Academy expanded its efforts, holding two upper-elementary Academies in San Diego and one in Washington, D.C. with a focus on middle school education. These three conferences brought together nearly 300 teachers from 37 school districts across the country. Because of the Academy’s “train the trainer” model, it’s estimated that about 2,500 teachers and 45,000 students have reaped the benefits of the program so far.
Educator Institutes
Since 2007, Sally Ride Science has held Educator Institutes across the country to provide an opportunity for teachers to connect with scientists on various subjects such as climate change and space missions. The one- to two-day programs provide elementary and middle school educators with hands-on science activities and materials to take back to their classrooms to enhance their students’ learning experience, while giving teachers a better understanding of the topics covered. Registration is open to the public and events are held a few times each year.
American College of Education
Beginning in October 2011, American College of Education will offer a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a Sally Ride Science concentration as well as an online Sally Ride Science professional development program offering Continuing Education Units for science educators. The curriculum was developed by Sally Ride Science and focuses on enhancing elementary and middle school science curriculum with research-based techniques for engaging learners and providing a foundation for inquiry-based teaching.