Lesson Plans | K | Science

Dragon Fun Learning the Five Senses

Dragon Fun Learning the Five Senses

5 Senses Lesson Plan

Five senses lesson plan student level: Pre-K to 2nd grade elementary

Five senses lesson plan materials required:
- A kaleidoscope or interesting photograph (Kaleidoscope craft idea - familycrafts.about.com/cs/toystomake/a/blconnkaleid.htm)
- Whistle or musical instrument

What is the best way to spread cattail seeds? A lesson on how seeds are dispersed.

What is the best way to spread cattail seeds?

Grade range: K-2

Time to complete: 30 minutes

Subjects/skills addressed: science


Students will demonstrate how cattail seeds are dispersed.

Materials needed:

Intact cattail

Bag of cattail seeds that have been removed from the stalk

Magnifying glass

Book-Sometimes Snow Falls in the Summer-optional

Words to know: seed, disperse or spread
