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Bugembe Initiative for Development
Additional Information
Causes Served: Empowering vulnerable persons in the community
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: 472
Ages for Volunteer: 10-90
Hours of Service: 5 hours per day
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 2 hours per day
Days of Service: 5 days per week
Languages: English
Languages used as a Medium: English
Experience Required:
At the organizatio we have no problem with experience because we have been having volunteers who had know experience atall but with our support the organization was able to benefit from them.So we believe every experience is uniqe to us aslong as some one has picked intreast in volunteering with us.
Travel Arrangements:
The volunteers are to roganize for thier travel arrengement and then let us know.when they are to arrive at the airport and then we begin from there.
Participants Work: Getting involved in day to day activities,coummunity outreach.
Application Process:
After forming from the volunteer that she/he is now ready to volunteer with us we shall have to send him/her an application form for her/him to fill and then sends it back to us.
Visa Requirements:
We always adivise our volunteers to apply for the tourist visa because it is cheaper compered to the rest.
Program Highlights:
Mission Statement:
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Program History:
Formed in 2011 with its base in Bugembe, Jinja District, Bugembe Initiative for Development (BID) is an action oriented community based organization dedicated to empowering women, youth and vulnerable persons through a holistic, socio-economic approach.
Diseases, literacy, unemployment, poverty, ignorance, wars and natural disasters in Uganda have resulted into situations of vulnerability and moral degeneration. The most affected people are the children, women, youth, and the elderly. Many current community initiatives fall short in coping with the ever increasing number of poor women, needy youths and vulnerable children.
BID Uganda was born out of the need to reach out to these neglected, forgotten, HIV/AIDS sufferers, orphans, abandoned street children, homeless, and those in extreme poverty within the communities and our society who are hurting in life.
Most of these vulnerable children around us have lost hope for their future without food, shelter, education lack of parental love, guidance and training. Above all their rights have been abused and denied the right to shelter good food, clothing, education and good health to have a better future.
Our Vision:
A transformed community with people living healthy productive and developed lives
Community outreach
community volunterism
Social Networks:
Our email.is biduganda2011@gmail.com then facebook is https://www.facebook.com/BIDUganda/ and our website is www.biduganda.wordpress.com
Additional Information:
Volunteering Opportunities
At BID Uganda we are always looking for volunteers to help us administering our programmes and get involved in the community.
What our volunteers can expect
Our volunteers will be involved in all aspects of our organization, as we seek to provide them with a thorough understanding of our organization, the challenges we face within the community, and the impact that our projects have within the community.