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Zambia Child Help Programme(ZACHP)

Basic Information
Address: P.O.BOX 39481,Lusaka,Zambia
Phone Number: +260-211-221658/+260-977773243
Fax Number: +260-211-221658
Email: childhopezambia@zambian.com
Director: Chim Mvula
Additional Information
Causes Served: Child education,health,nutrition and HIV/AIDS
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: 55,000
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 8 hours
Minimum Hours of Service Required: Between 1 and 2 hours
Days of Service: Monday to Friday
Languages: English
Languages used as a Medium: English
Experience Required:
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA will requre volunteer experiened in child and community education,health,nutrition,protection,HIV,income generating activities,vocational training,enterprenurship,poverty allevation,mental health programmes,disability,eyesight and hearing impirement etc,
Programs Open To: Professionals, students,old and young people/couples,retired,nurses,doctors and anyone with a passion for the work we do.We also welcome group volunteers,individuals,old couples because we know even the old can make a difference in the lives of the communities we work with.
Travel Arrangements:
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA will be able to arrange all the travel requirments in the country but all the running around would be paid by the volunteers themselves.This includes pick-up from the airport and getting into the communities to offer a hand on work.
Participants Work: Provding hands on assistance,awareness raising,professionals will work with the health facilities to provide treatment.Volunteers will assist in various areas in education,health,nutrition,HIV,child protection .Volunteers will participate in their areas of strengeth after discussions with CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA.Volunteers without experience will learn through CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA and its communities.
Application Process:
Volunteers should send their applications to the Country Coordinator,CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA,mobile:+260-977773243,e-mail:childhopezambia@zambian.com.When expressing interest in voluntary work,volunteers should state which area/s of interest they are they would want to be involved and how they wish to help.
Visa Requirements:
Arriving & Departing Zambia All travelers who are not Zambian citizens or residents and require visas to come to Zambia must hold a valid visa to enter Zambia. Depending on the nationalities, visas can be obtained on arrival at the port of entry, at the Zambian Missions Abroad or obtained prior to travelling to Zambia.For the volunteers that need further assistance to obtain Visas,CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA will be ready to assist.
Program Highlights:
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is interested in volunteers who have a passion for the work it does.Volunteers can assist in their areas of interest and specalization.For those without specialization/experience the organization will work with them so they could know what to do and will link them with specalised people to learn the work.Professionals willl also be required to work with the locals to provide their services.Volunteers will be linked to specalised persons in line with what the voluntary work they they would like to offer.Volunteers will be oriented on CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA work include cultiure before embarking on field work.We accept volunteeers from around the World.
Mission Statement:
The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living stanards of children in the rural areas of Zambia.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA believes that when children and communities lives are improved,they will be able to contribute to the well-being and that of the nation.
Program History:
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
Founded 24 years ago, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is one of the children's development organizations in Zambia. The organization works to We work to alleviate poverty, promote child protection and child rights in order to raise (children) out of poverty. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA works with families and their communities in the targeted provinces/districts in supporting the children. We offer our help to the children, youth and women who need it the most; those living in the rural areas of Zambia. The organization is independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA was founded in 1998 when the communities realized that children were vulnerable and lacked education, health, nutrition and other basic amenities. Communities also realized the number of children being orphaned due to HIV/AIDS and other related diseases had increased hence the formation of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA assistance to the children and the communities has been long -term community development and poverty reduction in Zambia. Since 1998, CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has been working with children, youths, women, families and other community members. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has established long-term working relationship with the Government of Zambia, communities, traditional and religious leaders in the target districts. The mission of CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of children in the rural areas of Zambia. The programs/services CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides are Education (ECCDE and primary), Child empowerment, inclusive education protection, Health and HIV/ AIDS, Income generating activities, women empowerment, Reproductive Health, Nutrition and provision of clean water and sanitation.
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA has no events taking places on its own unless national events where it participates with other organizationsThese are events like World Teachers day,World AIDs,World Literacy Day,World disability day etc.
Social Networks:
CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA uses Facebook,instgram,Whatsapp and linkdln as its social network.
Additional Information:
Our approach
Children are the focal point of everything we do. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA is a child development organization in Zambia. We work with children, their families, women, youths, communities, organizations and the government of Zambia to bring about positive development and reduce poverty among the children. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA provides opportunities for these groups to participate at different levels based on their strengths and life experiences. Families and community representatives also participate as advisers and/or decision makers. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA believes that when children, adults and communities work together it is most likely that programmes will be booming and there will be sustainability. Listening to what children say about their rights, needs and concerns is key to our approach. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA encourages and helps children to take an active role in finding solutions to their problems and realizing their full potential towards their development.
Our organization is committed to making lasting improvements to the lives of children living in poverty in Zambia. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA recognizes its duty to be as effective and efficient as possible and to be accountable to all its stakeholders.
Our core areas of activity include:
- Education (Early childhood and Primary)
- Girl child empowerment
- Health and HIV/AIDS
- Income generating activities
- Nutrition
- Provision of clean water and sanitation.
- Inclusive education
- Child sponsorship
- Child, youth and women empowerment
- Sexual and reproductive health
Our values Our mission
We create the conditions in our work, activities and in our organization for personal empowerment, especially of children and the most marginalized. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA will always act in the best interests of the child and respect child and human rights. We are ethical, honest, transparent, and place a high value on integrity. CHILDHOPE-ZAMBIA acknowledges that it cannot solve problems of poverty alone but only through team work and mutual partnerships and we are accountable to all of our stakeholders in our communication, finances, performance measures, and results and strive for effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency in everything we do
Tags: YOUTH, WOMEN, vulnerable, Volunteers, vocational, village, underprivaledged, training, support, Southern Africa, sick children, rural areas, r, Projects, Programmes, programme, pre-school, povertyi, orphans, Nutrition, nON-profit making, NGO, ncome generating activities, mothers, mental health, Meals, infrustracture, hunger, hospital, HIV/AIDS, hiv, help, healthcare, HEALTH, Grants, funding, food, enerprenurship, Education, early childhood development and education, early childhood development, donations, diseases, disability, Development, day care, construction, chiildren, building, books, aid, Africa