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Basic Information
Address: P.O.Box 49 Bulenga - Kampala Uganda
Phone Number: +256 772 425576
Email: buvad2000@gmail.com
Director: Mr. Stephen Ssemmutumba
Additional Information
Causes Served: Education/teaching, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Women support & development, Child rights advocacy, child care , child support, sunflower growing, waste plastic bottle bricks houses and water harvesting tanks construction, grant writting, adminstartive and clerical work, community development, food security, climate change issues,
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Women, Children, Youths, The Elderly, Vulnerable and and Needy communities.
Ages for Volunteer: 18 years and above
Hours of Service: 6 hours
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 4 hours
Days of Service: Monday to Friday
Languages: English
Languages used as a Medium: English
Experience Required:
Interest in volunteering at any of the volunteer projects/placements below;
- Water, Saniatation and Hygine
- Teaching at Primary or Secondary School
- Community Mobilization to grow more sunflower
- Child rights advocacy
- Child Care and Support
- Grant writting,
- Adminstartive and Clerical
- Construction of Waste plastic Bottle brick buildings and Water harvesting Tanks
- Community mobilisation to food security
- Women skills in basic financial management, crafts and other development teaching
- Fish farming
- Video and Still photo Documentaries development
- Diary farming
- Catering and cookery
Programs Open To: Individual Volunteers, Families and Groups.
Travel Arrangements:
The volunteer cater's for his flight ticket to and from Uganda. BUVAD provides Airport pick up to the center then to the placement site and orientation lessons before placement.
Participants Work: Depends on participant/s' interest
Application Process:
Send Applications and Letters of Interest to us by email to: buvad2000@gmail.com
If you decide to volunteer for BUVAD, please be prepared to bring everything you need
for your workshops with you. BUVAD will help you find everything and make transport
of them as easy as possible. Think through your workshop and anticipate anything you
might need. It is important that this be purchased in advance as supplies such as paper,
poster board and markers in the trading centre near the village are minimal. For this
reason it is best for us to plan any purchases in Kampala before you leave.
BUVAD provides free accommodation to its volunteers at the volunteer home. Many organizations see volunteers as a potential cash cow and are guilty of charging extreme rates. BUVAD makes every effort to keep volunteers' costs to a minimum, as it is their talent and time that are most valuable to the communities we serve.
BUVAD requests a small donation of $75usd per week or $200usd per month of the volunteer's stay. This money goes towards transportation and administrative costs, which are very difficult to get funding for as most grants go directly to programme implementation.
BUVAD will discuss the issue of expenses for organized workshops/work camps on an individual basis and hopes that a volunteer can fund raise the amount they expect to spend on materials from their own community or organizations. BUVAD will arrange for 3 meals a day to be provided to a volunteer by a support staff at the office. A volunteer's menu will consist of local food and BUVAD will communicate reasonable dietary requests to the cook. The cost of food per person is $35USD per week but could be lower depending on the number of people staying at a placement center at one time plus any changes to the menu. BUVAD will attempt to minimize food costs as much as possible; we use $35 as a safe base of cost.
If you are interested in volunteering long-term, BUVAD will discuss alternative arrangements with you concerning finances.
Coming from Entebbe Airport, BUVAD will arrange pick up and delivery to the village.
If you arrive late night then you will have to spend a night at a hotel. You can contact us
for a cheap guesthouse connection.
Visa Requirements:
Every individual will seek visas to Uganda through the Uganda High Commission in their home country. Do not hesitate to contuct us in case any additional information is required from us by the Ugandan High Comission.
Program Highlights:
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Climate Change Issues
- Waste Plastic Bottles Construction
- Orphaned Vulnerable Children Care and Support
- Teaching
- Women development
- Food Security
- Sunflower Growing
- Community Dvelopment
- Life Skills
- Administrative and Clerical
Mission Statement:
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Philosophy/Belief Statement:
BUVAD is an indigenous founded organization, which with a humble beginning started its work, with initiative from concerned born-children of Kayunga District. On realizing the challenges that their community always faced, these born-children undertook numerous sensitizations by the central government and were prompted to set up a non profit organization through which they would be able to collectively address the identified community challenges for a better life.
Program History:
BUVAD is a volunteer run organization and continues to host volunteers and interns from all over the world year round. All those that wish to volunteer are free to contact us year round.
BUVAD offers free modest accommodation to its international volunteers at the center. We also provide airport pick up from EBB airport to the center in Kayunga. We have the capacity to host 40 and above volunteers annually. We have experience in handling and providing conducive hospitality for foreign volunteers, well knowing that living in totally new culture is quite not easy. Applicants can seek reference from our past volunteers. Just ask for a past volunteer's contact.
BUVAD networks with several local organizations and has the capacity to provide volunteer placement in any of these volunteer organizations. BUVAD will endeavor to place and orientate a new volunteer to a scrutinized organization.
Uganda being a country well endowed with many tourist attraction sites, a volunteer is free to apply for one week off the normal work schedule to go and visit these sites. Alternatively this can be during the weekends to nearby sites.
Also in the evenings and weekends a volunteer can hang ourt with a local counterpart for leasure at his or her own convenience.
The rest of the events will be communicated on application as per the program by then.
Social Networks:
Member Uganda Water and Sanitation Network (UWASNET)
Member Kayunga District Water and Saniation Coordination Committee
Member The Kayunga District Orphaned Vulnerable Children Network
Partner Organization to AIESEC Uganda
Additional Information:
Visit us at http://projectbuvad.org/
Tags: Non Profit Organization