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Helping Honduras Kids

Basic Information
Address: c/o Mark Reeves
903 Melville Ct.
Slingerlands, NY 12159
Email: Dana@helpinghonduraskids.org
Director: Dana Banderet
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Causes Served: neglected, abused, orphaned and abandoned children; school for the poor
Population Served: children, single mothers, senior citizens, poor communities
Ages for Volunteer: 22 +
Hours of Service: 7am - 7pm
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 6
Days of Service: M-F
Languages: English and Spanish
Languages used as a Medium: Spanish
Experience Required:
Bilingual Teacher's Assistants, Jungle School, Grades K-7th No specific experience is needed but some Spanish is recommended and teaching experience is helpful. HHK operates a school in the Jungle about 5 kilometers outside of town up along the Cangrejal River. Bilingual Teacher's Assistants assist the school teachers in their classes, help the children with their homework, teach different classes as needed, and get involved in other daily activities. The volunteers work alongside the Honduran teacher to assist the children with understanding Math problems, writing and speaking English, Science projects, etc. Typically the Jungle School has 5 teachers and 1-3 volunteers at any given time. School is in session from February until the end of October. The children at the Hogar de Amor and also some of the children at the school have come from all types of backgrounds and have experienced various types of moderate to severe abuse. Sensitivity, patience and understanding are a must.
Programs Open To: volunteers needed ages 22+ from January through mid-November at our Jungle School and year round at our Children's Home.
Travel Arrangements:
HHK does not pay for any volunteer housing, food or travel expenses. When a volunteer travels to Honduras, the expenses are the responsibility of the volunteer. Volunteers pay for their own airplane tickets, housing, food, taxi's and other travel-related expenses. There is an inexpensive hostel, 1877 Hostel in the center of town near malls, bus lines, fast foods etc. www.1877hostel.com ; Instagram - #1877hostel
Participants Work: Bilingual Teacher's Assistants, Jungle School, Grades K-7th
Application Process:
Apply through our website at www.helpinghonduraskids.org under the volunteer menu.
Visa Requirements:
it depends on the country. Please research this before you purchase tickets and have everything in order.
Program Highlights:
HHK operates a school in the Jungle about 5 kilometers outside of town up along the Cangrejal River. Bilingual Teacher's Assistants assist the school teachers in their classes, help the children with their homework, teach different classes as needed, and get involved in other daily activities. The volunteers work alongside the Honduran teacher to assist the children with understanding Math problems, writing and speaking English, Science projects, etc. Typically the Jungle School has 5 teachers and 1-3 volunteers at any given time. School is in session from February until the end of October. The children at the Hogar de Amor and also some of the children at the school have come from all types of backgrounds and have experienced various types of moderate to severe abuse. Sensitivity, patience and understanding are a must. We also run a Children's Home and volunteers can help out at the Home with homework and other activities after school.
Mission Statement:
To improve the level of dignity, education, opportunity and health for orphaned, abandoned, abused, and/or neglected and special needs children, single mothers and families on the north coast of Honduras.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
This will be accomplished through programs designed to provide opportunity, education, hope and love as well as providing for the spiritual, physical, emotional, educational, medical, and recreational needs of underprivileged children, both in new and existing Children's Homes (orphanages), marginalized rural communities, and in schools. We also strive to share the love of Jesus Christ everywhere we go through acts of kindness and love.
Program History:
Helping Honduras Kids (HHK) is a non-profit Christian organization that manages a Children's Home (orphanage), caring for 23 children who have been abandoned, abused and/or neglected. We also built and operate a free private school (Jungle School) located in the impoverished mountain area outside of La Ceiba. Over 130 students attend grades K-7. Children receive a quality education, daily devotional, and a nutritious lunch. In addition, we provide much needed food to children and families in nearby Campesinos (peasant villages). As we receive no government funding we are in great need of sponsors who will help support a child in our Children's Home, Jungle School, High School, or one of the remote Campesinos. We have been operating since 2006. We are a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Social Networks:
Facebook - Helping Honduras Kids