Lifechanyuan International Family Society

Lifechanyuan International Family Society Logo

Basic Information

Address: Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand 36 moo 3, trok – soi – road
Phone Number: +660830748560
Director: Jiejing

Action Shots

Lifechanyuan International Family Society
Lifechanyuan International Family Society
Lifechanyuan International Family Society
Lifechanyuan International Family Society

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: All people who are interested in Lifechanyuan values
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: no more than four people
Minimum Hours of Service Required: no less than two hours a day
Days of Service: three to seven days
Languages: English
Experience Required:
  • We accept visitors who stay for no longer than seven days.
  • Visitors should be physically and mentally healthy.
  • Smoking, drinking, or drug use is not allowed.
  • If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, please inform us in advance.
  • We have a full-time chef in the kitchen, and everyone eats in the public dining room. Please do not waste food and finish everything on your plate.
  • Keep your bedroom or tent clean and tidy, and make your bed when you are not using it.
  • Please keep quiet from 12:00pm to 2:00pm and from 9:30pm to 7:00am as these are resting and sleeping times.
  • Visitors are responsible for their own health and safety.
  • Visitors are not required to work like us, and working time is voluntary according to their own conditions.
  • Our community is not profitable yet, and all income comes from donations from our members. We appreciate any donations from visitors based on their experience here, which will contribute to the construction of Lifechanyuan International Family. Thank you.
Programs Open To: Community activities include sharing Lifechanyuan values and introducing the New Life Mode, as well as entertainment activities.
Travel Arrangements:
  • Comfortable and clean tents, a shower, sink, and toilet.
  • Two meals will be served each day at 7:30am and 4:00pm, and are mostly vegetarian. Meat is occasionally available. Food and snacks are also available in the kitchen at noon.
    Updated: Two meals will be served each day at 7:30am and 5:30pm, and are mostly vegetarian. Meat is occasionally available. Food and snacks are also available in the kitchen at noon.
  • Laundry service is available, except for socks, undergarments, and towels.
  • Working gloves and hats are available as needed.
  • Please inform us if you need any daily necessities.
  • Community activities include sharing Lifechanyuan values and introducing the New Life Mode, as well as entertainment activities.
Participants Work: planting, weeding, working in the garden, cleaning, or laundry
Application Process:

We are the Lifechanyuan International Family, a community that has established and practices a new lifestyle model for over 15 years. In our community, all resources are shared, and the traditional concept of family is replaced by a connection defined by spiritual resonance. With over a decade of experience in creating and practicing this new lifestyle model, we work, live, and entertain together.

As we have just taken over the operation, we need assistance and are looking for individuals who:

- Understand and genuinely aspire to our new lifestyle model
- Have read and agree with most of our 800 Values
- Are prepared to experience a new collective lifestyle with an open mind, refraining from quick judgments and not being constrained by traditional concepts
- Actively participate in community creation and external operations, completing daily tasks
- If you enjoy this new lifestyle model after experiencing it, you are welcome to apply to join and become a member of our international family
- After returning to your own country, are willing to help promote this new lifestyle to let more people know about it

Visa Requirements:

Please be aware that visa issues will be resolved by yourself. Thank you.

Program Highlights:

Welcome to the Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch!

Our branch is located in a peaceful and beautiful ecovillage supported by the local temple. It is approximately 180 km away from Chiang Mai city and 80 km away from Chiang Rai city. The ecovillage was started in September 2020 and currently has 12 members living together. Our aim is to create and build a new lifestyle model for people who are kind, diligent, simple, honest, trustworthy, and who would love to contribute themselves to human peace and sustainable development of the world.

Our community has a beautiful natural environment, with faraway mountains surrounded by fairyland clouds and mists. You can hear melodious birdsong from the rain trees throughout the day. We have beautiful flowers blooming under the sunshine, and all kinds of organic vegetables are lush and neatly planted in the fields. Ducks are chasing and playing in the river happily, while buffalos and horses are grazing leisurely on the open grassland. People living here are diligent ,kind, happy and most civilized, they joke and laugh a lot every day, creating a paradise filled with love and auspiciousness.

The Thailand branch has a total area of 80 acres, including residential areas, a public kitchen, activity halls, pavilions, grassland, woodlands, vegetable and flower gardens, orchards, banana forests, rivers, and small lakes. In addition to members of our community, we also have some neighbors living in the courtyard. We help and get along with each other happily and harmoniously.

We welcome people from all over the world, regardless of your backgrounds, races, religions, cultures, and nations. As long as you are interested in this new lifestyle mode, please come to visit us, experience this happy and simple life together, and help create, improve, and perfect this new lifestyle mode for all kind and lovely people on earth! We wish you a happy and unforgettable stay.

Mission Statement:

Our aim is to create and build a new lifestyle model for people who are kind, diligent, simple, honest, trustworthy, and who would love to contribute themselves to human peace and sustainable development of the world. We will build 256 branches of Lifechanyuan Second Home Internationla Community around the world. 

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

The Philosophy of Lifechanyuan Second Home International community, as derived from Lifechanyuan values, reflects a blend of spiritual, philosophical, and practical principles aimed at fostering a harmonious and fulfilling life. Our community's ethos is not strictly religious in the traditional sense but is deeply spiritual and rooted in a holistic worldview. Key aspects of this ethos include:

Respect for the Divine and Nature: The community places high importance on reverence for the Greatest Creator, life, and nature. This respect extends to all living beings and the environment.

Unity and Happiness: Our community aims to create a harmonious world where all religions unite and everyone lives in peace and happiness. This involves adopting new modes of production and living that align with these principles.

Spiritual and Moral Values: Our ethos promotes a moral framework that includes kindness, honesty, humility, and generosity. It stresses the importance of spiritual and moral wealth over material wealth, encouraging members to live simply and focus on inner growth and well-being.

For more information about our community's philosophy, please check: or

Program History:

Since 2009, Lifechanyuan has created a brand new production and life mode named the Second Home, in which community members do not get married ,voluntarily form a big family and treat each other as brothers and sisters , relatives and lovers. Romantic love among members is free and blessed, ensuring that women are respected and protected all the time. There is no private property, all resources belong to the community and are shared by everyone. Children's education and the nursing of the elders are taken care by the community.

Everyone chooses jobs according to his/her interest and special skills.Working is no longer something you have to do for living. Having no worry about money, work becomes a game and pleasure. The living environment is very clean, tidy and beautiful, which makes people feel comfortable and peaceful.

Paradise management is implemented, which means no management is the best management.There are no leaders, no boss, no office. Each branch has one director, whose role is just a coordinator to arrange and coordinate branch's daily activities. Everyone is the master as well as the servant.Without management, we put service in the first place. Everything runs on the members' own initiatives and following the 800 values for New Era Human Beings.

Members living in the community consider to purify their soul garden and sublimate their life quality to be their number one priority and their most important task. Everyone does their best to bring their qualities of sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith and honesty into full play.

Each month, a party would be held , singing ,dancing , playing instruments, reading poem and so on , through which they express their own gratitude and praise for life! Games always make a lot of laughters and will turn adults into children.

We have been practicing this life mode in China for more than 10 years and it has been proved a very successful and ideal lifestyle. Since 2009,we have successively built 12 communities in mainland China.There were about 180 members living in the community in peak. Every member lived happily and freely in such a wonderful big family. However the Chinese government forcibly disbanded and destroyed all of our communities because they misinterpreted us as a religious organization.

During all these years, , the founder of Lifechanyuan, Mr. Xuefeng always holds a vision to unite similar communities around the world to form a big international family. In September 2017, the community was rebuilt in British Columbia Canada and were registered as a non-profit organization under the name "Lifechanyuan international Family Society".

In 2020, we had built another community in Thailand, which is benefited from the strong support of the local Buddhist temple. The Thailand branch is located at the junction of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. It covers an area of ​​80 acres, including farmland, wooded area, large tracts of grassland, residential area ,a school, a hospital and several rivers and small lakes. Here we have comfortable housing, nice restaurant, spacious activity hall. Currently we have 12 members living in Thailand branch and we welcome people from all over the world, regardless of your backgrounds, races, religions, cultures, and nations. As long as you are interested in this new life mode and would love to contribute themselves to human peace and sustainable development of the world, please come to visit us, experience this happy and simple life together, and help create, improve, and perfect this new life mode for all kind and lovely people on Earth! We wish you a happy and unforgettable stay.

History of Lifechanyuan International Family

2001: Xuefeng ended his businesses in Zimbabwe and began writing for the Chanyuan Corpus and Xuefeng Corpus, publishing nearly 3,000 articles with 6 million Chinese words, building the Lifechanyuan Values system.

October 2004:The first Chinese language Lifechanyuan website was launched by Xuefeng and Lingzhi Celestial.

2006 - 2007: Xuefeng and his wife returned to China to explore locations for the Second Home community. By this time, around 40 Chanyuan celestials existed.

2008: Plans to establish a Second Home community in Zimbabwe were abandoned due to political and economic instability. About 1,500 people from China applied to join Lifechanyuan.

2009: Lifechanyuan formally announced the establishment of the Second Home community in Kunming, Yunnan, China, with 31 members.

2009 - 2014: Xuefeng led the creation of three branches of the Second Home in Yunnan Province, peaking at 180 members. Despite success, all branches were forcibly disbanded by local authorities.

2014 - 2015:New farms were established in Xinjiang and Nanjing, but they too faced forced disbandment. Xuefeng closed Lifechanyuan's external websites.

2015 - 2016:Three ecovillages were established in Lijiang, Yunnan. However, they were also forcibly disbanded by authorities.

2016: Lifechanyuan's English website was reopened. Xuefeng explored establishing a community in Vanuatu, but the location was deemed unsuitable.

2017: The Second Home was renamed to the New Oasis for Life. A community was established in British Columbia, Canada, and registered as a non-profit organization.

2020-till now: A new community was established in Thailand with support from a local Buddhist temple. It covers 80 acres and currently has 12 members.

Additional Information:

Time Available: 7 am to 10 pm, Monday to Sunday.

Fee: 300 Bht/person/day (including meals and accommodation).

Accommodation: We can arrange rooms or tents with everything prepared well, and it is convenient to use a hot water shower, sink, and toilet. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring your own tent, as we have a large area available for camping.

Meals: We have two vegetarian meals a day, snacks in between, and occasionally meat. Except for drinking beer or wine on celebrations, alcohol and smoking are prohibited in the community.

Work: Every visitor is expected to work no less than two hours a day with us on planting, weeding, working in the garden, cleaning, or laundry, etc.

Transportation: There are direct buses from Chiang Mai or Bangkok to Tha Ton every day. If you are in Chiang Mai, you can take a bus from the Chang Phueak Bus Terminal,which takes 4 hours. If you are in Bangkok, you can take a bus from the Mochit Bus Terminal, which takes 12 hours . There are no direct buses from Chiang Rai, but you can take local van to Fang ,and then take mini bus from Fang to get here.