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Niños de Guatemala
Basic Information
Address: 2da Calle Oriente #28C, Antigua, Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Phone Number: (502)58179008
Email: ndgvolunteers@gmail.com
Director: Carlota Morales
Additional Information
Causes Served: Education, poverty
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Children and youth
Ages for Volunteer: minimum 17
Hours of Service: 20 a week
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 20 a week
Days of Service: Monday thru Friday
Languages: Spanish, English
Languages used as a Medium: English
Experience Required:
Programs Open To: Be flexible, motivated and willing to change children's lives.
A positive attitude
An appreciation of new cultures that will help you settle in Guatemala and enjoy all of the new experiences;
Be 18 years old or older .
Commit to at least 4 weeks of volunteer work, and a min of 20 hours a week.
Participants Work: Classroom Assitants
Application Process:
Read our International Volunteer Catalogue and choose the option that works for you.
Complete and submit the application form online.
Send your Resume or CV, passport copy, and motivation letter to volunteer@ninosdeguatemala.org
Complete and send your Background check to volunteer@ninosdeguatemala.org
Choose your best payment option or fundraise using our Crowdrise Platform.
Visa Requirements:
Program Highlights:
Niños de Guatemala truly believe that Volunteer trips can make a real difference, and since the beginning we have been hosting volunteers. We would like to officially invite you to become a part of our family and help us break the cycle of poverty.
Your experience will be life changing. We believe you will leave Guatemala with a deeper understanding of the world. With a desire to learn and an openness in sharing yourself, you will undoubtedly gain a deeper understanding of yourself and this complex yet beautiful world.
We have hosted hundreds of volunteers in Guatemala throughout the years, and you can be the next one!
Mission Statement:
Niños de Guatemala (NDG)
Niños de Guatemala (NDG) provides underprivileged children with an education. NDG runs two primary schools and a secondary school which house over 500 Guatemalan children who would otherwise lack sufficient resources to attend Guatemala´s public schools. Our history:
2009 – The first elementary school opened, Nuestro Futuro, in partnership with the local community
2012 – Based on the success of the first school, a second elementary school was opened, El Porvenir, in nearby San Lorenzo
2014 – The first students graduate from Nuestro Futuro and construction begins on a middle school to accommodate them.
2015 – The middle school, El Básico, opens in Ciudad Vieja to continue the secondary education of our students.
2017- The first students graduate from El Porvenir and from our middle school, El Básico. And we also celebrated our 10th year anniversary!
NDG´s Vision is “We envision a world in which communities are educated, empowered, and entrepreneurial”
Program History:
Volunteer Program
The goals of our volunteer program are:
to build long-term relationships with people from all over the world, that are willing to support Niños de Guatemala in a sustainable way, through our main values Education, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment.
to complement our workforce, by bringing into the organization vital resources such as fresh enthusiasm, new perspective, proven expertise, and hard work.
To provoke compassion, raise awareness and most importantly connects needs with resources.
To fundraise the necessary resources which will enable us to offer good quality education to our almost 500 children living in extreme poverty conditions in order to break the cycle of poverty and empower the next generation.
In return we would like to give our volunteers:
A scaled and tangible opportunity to change the world and break the cycle of poverty on an intimate level.
Meaningful engagement and enhancement in personal and professional development, through offering you time and talents to serve our children.
A mutualistic support system reaching beyond physical borders, the volunteer as a role model for the children and the children meeting people from all over the world.
Cross-cultural learning opportunities for all participants, the children and community alike.
Hands-on learning experiences.
Long-term relationship building with the Guatemalan community and Niños de Guatemala.
Niños de Guatemala sees the volunteer program as a win-win situation, everybody receives benefit from the volunteer experience, plus volunteerism itself makes a specific contribution by generating well-being for people and their communities.
Let's work together for a cause such as the Education, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment for almost 500 children, their families and their communities.
Social Networks:
Facebook: Ninosdeguatemala
Instagram: Ninosdeguatemala
Additional Information:
Volunteer Work options
Classroom Assistance [Level of Spanish: basic]
Monday to Friday: 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Being a classroom assistant will give you the opportunity to deeply engage with a classroom and a teacher. This program will make you understand how life in one of our NDG school works. Volunteers will be paired with a class and aid one of our teachers in any way that is useful, whether it is to cut and glue paper into notebooks, handing out soap or toothpaste, helping kids with in-class worksheets, or homework.
English Classroom Assistance [Level of Spanish: basic]
Personalised schedule within the english lessons (8am-12:30pm) and some afternoons (2pm-4pm)
The program that needs the most support from volunteers, especially because Ninos de Guatemala is trying to transition into a "double immersion" school. We would love our students to be more and more exposed to the English language every day, and you can help.
We are looking to support our english teachers in the classroom and also in the afternoons. You will probably be assisting the elementary students but also our middle school students. With this program, get to know must of our students.
Artistic Expression Workshops and Sports workshops [Level of Spanish: intermediate]
Monday to Friday: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
This program is for volunteers who have a good level of Spanish and who feel comfortable independently leading workshops with an entire class. We ask volunteers to come prepared with extra-curricular lesson plans in an area of their interest such as Art, Theatre, sports, etc. We are open to new ideas so our children are exposed to new and enriching experiences.
Tutoring [Level of Spanish: advanced]
Personalised schedule and a minimum of 4 week commitment
Tutoring Program is one of the most involved programs on offer, as you develop a close relationship with 2 -3 children. Volunteers are matched with students who experience learning disabilities and due to your long-term commitment, is an extremely rewarding experience for both child and volunteer. You will meet several times a week to work on personalized material given by the teacher or director and will help them to grasp concepts from class that they need extra assistance with. There is a little more flexibility with this program as the volunteer can choose which days in the afternoon they would like to come in. However, it is recommended to do this program simultaneously with the Classroom Assistance.
5. Summer Camp [Level of Spanish: all spanish levels] (NOVEMBER ONLY)
During November, students return to school to participate in extra-curricular workshops. There are 2 options for our volunteers:
Workshops: Volunteers get to lead a workshop of their choice, whose focus is up to you! Workshops have in the past focused on for example English, sport, science, art and much more! Volunteers can also team up and carry out workshops together. The workshops requires planning beforehand, so if you would like to participate, please contact the volunteer coordinator who shall assist you in making a personalised schedule based on the summer school plans and objective for the year, and of course your interests.
Classroom Assistance: Morning classes take place as normal with the established teacher and volunteers are welcome to assist in these classes.