Painters: Bring out of school children to school

Painters: Bring out of school children to school Logo

Basic Information

Address: p.o box 86713
Phone Number: +254734024301
Director: Jonathan Munyany

Action Shots

Painters: Bring out of school children to school

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: education
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: school children
Ages for Volunteer: N/A
Hours of Service: optional
Minimum Hours of Service Required: N/A
Days of Service: N/A
Languages: English, Swahili
Languages used as a Medium: English, Swahili
Experience Required:


Programs Open To: N/A
Travel Arrangements:

Q: How can I get a visa to Kenya?
A: It's very easy to get a visa to Kenya. The following documents are necessary.
1 -Invitation letter/email from me.
2 -immunization card from your doctor
3 -insurance cover from any insurance company
4 -valid passport from your country

Participants Work: Teaching classrooms
Application Process:

Request application form from Jonathan Munyany

Visa Requirements:

Q: How can I get a visa to Kenya?
A: It's very easy to get a visa to Kenya. The following documents are necessary.
1 -Invitation letter/email from me.
2 -immunization card from your doctor
3 -insurance cover from any insurance company
4 -valid passport from your country

Program Highlights:

The project ''Bring 'out-of-school' children to school'' is underway promoting education to less privileged children and orphans. It looks to make learning environment conducive.

The population of children in the surrounding area grew significantly in 2016- 2017. This has led to higher student population.

Mission Statement:

To bring out of school children to school 

Program History:

How This Helps Our Community

By bringing out-of-school children to school, we hope to reduce involuntary marriages, illiteracy prevalence, child prostitution, drug abuse, early marriages/pregnancies, joblessness and social crimes down by 60% by 2023 and make communities self sustainable and sufficient by 2030. Between January-March 2018 we have lost 42 students into streets due to lack of conducive learning environment .in 2015-2017 that is why we need volunteers/interns helping hands! We need to bring balance and stop.


Your work is is to prepare wall surfaces by scraping, removal of wallpaper, etc. seal surfaces prior to painting or paint walls.