
Reciprocity Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1516 Kondengwondbo 04 BP 8244 Ouagadougou 04 Burkina-Faso
Phone Number: 226 50 34 42 44
Director: Renee Myriam Kalmogho

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Education, environment, culture
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: between 8AM and 6PM
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 10h/week
Days of Service: Monday-saturday
Languages: English, French
Languages used as a Medium: French-English
Experience Required:

For teaching be a native speakers and at least a college graduate

Travel Arrangements:

Room and board with a host family unless chosen otherwise by participant. Volunteers go on cultural tours, get classes in cooking, shea butter harvesting etc. They will get a chance to experience the culture and will therefore gain a lifelong experience and knowledge of the Burkinabe culture.