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Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW)

Basic Information
Address: 7 Tufton Street
Phone Number: +44 207 808 1784
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Additional Information:
SPW is a global leader in youth-led development and our International Youth led Development Programme (IYDP) contributes to SPW's global mission of placing young people at the forefront of change and development by sending International Volunteers overseas to either work with young people in rural communities, or by supporting our programmatic work in our country offices.
International Volunteer Peer Educators (IVPEs)
Historically IYDP has specialised in sending young people between the ages of 18-28 to work as peer educators on health, education and environmental programmes in rural communities alongside national counterparts. These placements remain at the forefront of IYDP and provide young people the opportunity to lead development and change within local communities in our country programmes in Africa & South Asia.
For details of our IVPE opportunities see the Information Pack attached. The pack outlines detailed information about the country programmes and how to apply. Please note that the content of our programmes change year on year depending on the needs of our country programmes so please just use the information in the Pack as a guide, to get a flavour of the work IVPEs do. Also note that the application process described in the information pack applies to UK-based volunteers. Please let us know if you would like more information on the application process for volunteers based in the US and Canada.
If you wish to find out more the next step is to participate in a Phone Information Session (PIS). A PIS is a great opportunity to talk with SPW staff and returned volunteers, to ask questions, to find out all about our programmes and to get a taster of the work that SPW volunteers do! Our next PIS is coming up in early July and we will be holding these every two months. Just let me know if you are keen to participate and I will book you a place and send all you all relevant details.
Technical Assistant placements and Internships
More recently, IYDP has broadened its International Volunteering opportunities in response to growing demand from our Country Programmes and from our volunteers. We are in the final stages of conceptualising these placements, and opportunities are now available to recent graduates or skilled professionals with specific skills and experience in key areas. Placements are located in our country programme offices and range from 2 weeks to long term 1-2 year positions. Technical Assistant posts are professional positions and usually include structured line management, agreed key objectives and are designed to fill specific capacity gaps within our in-country programme offices. Recent opportunities have presented themselves to individuals with backgrounds in Finance, Fundraising, Marketing, Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Capacity Building and so on. Compensation varies and is specific to each position. For more information on these opportunities please contact us directly to discuss.
I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can email us at info@spw.org or alternatively if you are a Skype user we can arrange a Skype chat with you.