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Basic Information
Address: 659 Belmont Ave.
North Haledon, NJ 07508
Director: Sr. Theresa Lee
Additional Information
Causes Served: education, formation, and accompaniment of poor and marginalized children and youth
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: youth, families,
Ages for Volunteer: 21-35
Hours of Service: full-time
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 1 month
Days of Service: according to mission site
Languages: according to mission site
Languages used as a Medium: English (for application process)
Experience Required:
Please see our website for more information.
Programs Open To: women and men, ages 21-35
Please see www.vides.us for more information
Travel Arrangements:
responsibility of missioner
Participants Work: various - please see our website www.vides.us
Application Process:
Preliminary application
Full application
Formation Service Camp (2 weeks)
Please see our website for more information.
Visa Requirements:
according to mission site
Program Highlights:
Volunteers In Development, Education, & Solidarity, or VIDES, is a volunteer missioner program that works together with members of the Salesian Family to promote social justice, solidarity, and generosity by living a simple Christ-centered life while serving the poor and the marginalized.
VIDES+USA provides service opportunities that build leadership skills by emphasizing the value and respect of the human person, striving for social justice, sharing of oneself freely, and incorporating Christian spirituality into the rhythm of everyday living.
Mission Statement:
VIDES+USA is a volunteer missioner organization that is dedicated to the education and development of youth and women in situations of poverty, marginalization, or difficulty, both in the Untied States and worldwide.
VIDES+USA volunteer missioners walk in solidarity with those they serve and accompany them to create the necessary conditions for a better quality of life in which they can provide for themselves and break the vicious cycle of poverty which surrounds them as they grow in faith.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
VIDES+USA is a Catholic Volunteer Missioner Program offering opportunities to young adults, members, and sponsors to ACCOMPANY others by sharing time, talent, and treasure with a focus on children, youth, and women in poverty and vulnerable situations, so they can have access to new opportunities in education and development. We serve areas in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South, Central and North America.
VIDES+USA volunteer missioners follow the teaching of St. John Bosco and the accompaniment style of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello. They strive to be leaders in society through education and development projects, accompanying those they serve to better themselves.
Program History:
Since 1872, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) have been a missionary Institute and since 1987 they have been providing service opportunities through VIDES to young adults - inviting them to be part of their world-wide missions.
Formation Service Camp : 2022 dates
January - concluded
June 5-19 (TX)
July 9-23 (NJ)
Tags: #youth, #schools, #salesiansisters, #poor, #parish, #oratory, #families, #education, #children, #camp