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Children's Rights Collaborative of NW Ohio
Basic Information
Address: 4069 W. Sylvania Ave
Phone Number: 4194738955
Fax Number: 419-473-8984
Email: crcofnwohio@bex.net
Director: Erin O'Bryan
Additional Information
Causes Served: visitation, child custody, custody
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Unmarried or divorced parents who want to see their child but have to have supervisions
Ages for Volunteer: 20-90
Hours of Service: Wed., Fri, and Sunday 5-8 and also Sunday 2:30-4:30
Minimum Hours Required: none
Days of Service: Wed. Friday and Sunday
Mission Statement:
To provide children and families a safe environment for supervised and monitored visitation, and parental exchanges, so children can have a relationship with both parents.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The Children’s Rights Collaborative of NW Ohio (CRCNWO) program provides children and their parents with a safe, nurturing environment for supervised visitation and exchange, allowing a child to have his or her relationship with the non-custodial parent without being placed in the middle of the parents’ conflicts. Emphasis is placed on the safety and well-being of the child or children, as well as the victim in cases of domestic violence. Families and relationships can’t heal if they aren’t nurtured. We hope by what we do we help in the healing.
Program History:
Created in 2000, Children's Right Council of NW Ohio(former name) began providing the space and the supervision so that parents who could north otherwise see their children could now not only see them but see them regularly. We have been doing this for over 15 years.