Ambitious Kids, Inc.

Ambitious Kids, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 17710 NW 18th Ave.
Phone Number: 786-280-9955
Director: Michelle Goulbourne

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: At Risk Kids
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: k-12
Ages for Volunteer: 5 and up
Hours of Service: Various
Minimum Hours Required: 1hr
Days of Service: Sun-Sat
Mission Statement:

Our mission is to empower kids to embark on a journey to make their dreams take them places they have never been before; enjoying beauty, love and life.

Our vision is a community where kids are confident, respectful and compassionate; letting go of fears and letting their skills, talent and ideas shine.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our Values

* Respect for the worth and dignity of individuals;
* Inclusiveness and social justice;
* Transparency, integrity and honesty;
* Responsible stewardship of resources; and,
* Commitment to excellence and to maintaining the public trust.


Martin Luther King Service day
Global Youth Service day
Youth Sports camp
Exercise US

Additional Information:
What We Do?
  1. Provide resources to the public in regards to educational challenges confronted by children (k-12) who are considered at-risk for educational failure.
  2. Promote educational excellence and success for kids ages 5-18yrs.
  3. Promote community support and volunteerism.
  4. Support individuals and organizations within the community who promote education, and community service.