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Cookson Hills Toy Run

Basic Information
Address: PO Box 113
Seffner, FL 33583
Phone Number: 813-643-5758
Fax Number: 813-643-5758
Email: cooksontoyrun@aol.com
Director: Sheri Brown
Additional Information
Causes Served: Providing Merry Christmas Memories to "Forgottten" children, special need individuals, seniors & veterans
Population Served: Families, Special Need Individuals, Seniors & Veterans in need
Ages for Volunteer: Anyone able to help
Hours of Service: 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Minimum Hours Required: Any
Days of Service: 1-Day
Mission Statement:
Providing children (newborn to 18-yrs), struggling families, special need individuals (all ages), seniors & veterans with no families with a day filled with Merry Christmas Memories, a Great BBQ picnic, entertainment, Cotton Candy, Santa & Mrs Santa and lots of Christmas presents.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Pay it Forward.
Program History:
2013 - 20 year legacy. Averaging over 600 each year, the event has provided over 6000 community children, special need individuals, seniors & veterans with Merry Christmas Memories. Through word of mouth, each year for the past few years over 2000 participants bringing Christmas presents to pass out to those less fortunate.
1st Sunday of December Every Year.
Additional Information:
On the first Sunday of December, The Cookson Hills Toy Run begins at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Hwy 301 just south of the Florida State Fairgrounds and Interstate I-4, in Tampa. Since the beginning the park has been the “staging” area where those bringing gifts to pass out to the “forgotten” gather, there’s plenty of entertainment with a live fast-pasted auction full of unique items and raffle along with raffle ticket sales and breakfast munchies donated by Bob Evans Restaurants. Auction and raffle items are donated by local businesses or purchased. Monies collected go to the expenses and specialized gifts for the special need individuals, seniors and veterans (more than doubling in number the last few years) that are included in the event making it such a success. At 1:00 PM, those who wish travel a 20-mile “country” ride on tree covered country roads or go directly to the “main” event location at Evans Park, 1104 N. Kingsway Rd, Seffner, FL.
The “MAIN” event begins at 1:00 PM. Enjoy a GREAT BBQ with your choice of Ribs, Chicken, Burgers, Hot Dogs or Veggie Burgers along with your choice of 2-sides (monies support the event) along with FREE Cotton Candy from the Egypt Temple Shriner’s Motorcycle Riders, Samoyed Dog Club’s Sleigh Rides, live DJ music and of course Santa & Mrs Santa. About 2:30 PM the excitement begins as you pass out your gifts and help with passing out all the other donated items then watch as an explosion of laughter, happy tears, joyous screams and plenty of “THANK YOU’S” surround you with your own Merry Christmas memories.
Bill & Sheri Brown don’t belong to any group or organization. There is no “Corporate” financier. Local Small businesses, private donations from you, the auction, raffles and BBQ make the event a success. The event provides over 600 children, special need individuals, seniors and veterans with Christmas presents along with the free BBQ and drinks. Word of mouth has brought over 2000 patrons each year for the past few years bringing Christmas presents to give those less fortunate. In the past 19 years, over 6000 individuals have been given Merry Christmas Memories.
Unfortunately, the donations coming in aren’t covering the nearly $15000 costs of the event. There’s over $9000 spent on specialized gifts for the special need individuals, seniors and veterans with the balance going to insurance, licenses, advertising, food & drinks, auction & raffle items, etc. No one receives a salary. Volunteers take care of the event day festivities. In 19 years, only 2011 paid the expenses. Bill & Sheri personally have paid the balance of the expenses throughout the years. The 2013, 20-year legacy is in danger of being the last. This event desperately needs your financial generosity to continue. They also need volunteers, teenagers needing community service time, Boy/Girl Scouts working toward goals and anyone interested in helping to make this event succeed.